
MiQus25's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
11 days ago

The problem of continuing a two-person career

Hello, I encountered a problem with a two-person career, more precisely when I started a training session with a friend in Singapore, his internet went down and from that moment on we can't play together anymore because when we start the career again, he always has a black screen and the words waiting for a player (i.e. waiting for me) there is a countdown and when it counts down to zero, nothing happens, and on my screen I am in the session selection. We checked the integrity of the files, restarted the computers and it didn't help. Is there any chance to save this career because we really want to be able to play together again?

1 Comment

  • MiQus25's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    3 days ago

    When can I expect an answer? I wrote to EA support and they told me that I would get an answer here, but I have been waiting for 8 days and still no answer. And the problem is still not solved

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