Product: EA SPORTS FC 25
Platform: PlayStation 5
Please specify your platform model: Sony PlayStation 5
What is your Gamertag/PSN ID/Switch ID? OrthoepicWater5
Which mode has this happened in? Clubs
Which part of the mode? Skill Games
How often does the bug occur? Always (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Load into club mode training skill games, Then load into the 'Direct Free Kick Adept' skill game.
What happens when the bug occurs? When on the free kick training, the game uses a camera angle that would normally be used in open play and makes it very hard to be accurate when taking them.
What should be happening instead? The correct free kick cam should be activated, displaying all of the correct free kick information and HUD, instead of the wide-angle camera similar to the one used in open play.
Free kicks camera is wrong
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