
ROWEY33's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
22 hours ago

Potential bug for buying Yaya Toure then getting market banned.


I was market banned for the first time ever for apparent 'coin distribution' which is false as i have never bought or sold coins in my life.

I put a post up about this and two other users under the name of 'NiiceYT' and 'EskilNani' confirmed they were also banned after buying Yaya Toure for the new evo.


I raised a claim and it was declined. It makes no sense because as mentioned I have never distributed coins.


  • EskilNani's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    22 hours ago

    Yes, only bought the base Yaya Toure for the new evolution. Day, after..banned. Nor have i or will i buy coins. They look into the ban and still says ive been involved in coin distribution. All i want is them to give me proof, on what players i bought. Because my team is a full evo team, so this makes no sense.

  • NiiceYT's avatar
    Rising Novice
    22 hours ago

    same thats the same thing that happened to me man 

  • Such an EA moment! they'll call you a liar subtly to your face!

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