
SebSacchetti's avatar
New Spectator
11 days ago

Cannot Layer Equipment

So I'm currently constructing a legend roster for Madden 25 and I want all of the player likenesses to be accurate. I'm making Deion Sanders who famously wore sweatbands on his elbows above some long sleeves. You've been able to replicate this look no problem in previous maddens and even at some point this year. The new title update bugged all of the equipment so that you now no longer equip elbow wear on arms if they have a sleeve. You cant even give them wrist tape if they have a sleeve. 

I attached a screenshot and a reference image.


  • I also want to add that, yes, I know that elbow and wrist equipment usually cannot be equipped if the BAGGY sleeves are chosen, but the screenshot I attached shows that I have the compression sleeves equipped

  • last thing I'll add is that the MUT version of Deion has the arm bands 

    Please fix stupid inconveniences like this EA

  • pmcg190's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    8 days ago

    This has been a glitch in the game for a month now and I'm not even sure they're aware of it lol. Really frustrating, I have no idea why this feature would've been removed.

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