So whenever I play franchise mode it shows my player card instead of the team logo like if I customize my player card to show a football with the ravens on it that what it will show in my offline fra...
Franchise Team logo bug
10 days agoNew Spectator
Yep, I have the same bug. It is so annoying. It seems to only effect the home team (whether it is me or the AI) on my franchise. It does both online and offline. I booted up an exhibition game and it does not do it there but it seems to always do it on the franchise I had before the most recent update. I know for some this would not be that bad, but I honestly find this more annoying than a gameplay bug. I don't want to play my franchise with this bug.
10 days agoRising Traveler
Best workaround at the moment, which idk if it’s works 100% but someone mentioned that u have to just disconnect from the internet to play and log out of the ea account and then just play offline franchise. Sucks that you can’t start an offline franchise at the current nfl week (so like the superbowl week)
- newknnyxu4zc10 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
Ive been trying since the update came out to try to actually contact a real EA representative but that seems to be impossible. EA is actually so awful is getting to point that it’s sickening, they clearly see that we are all having this issue but won’t address it. They only care about the new gay MUT **bleep**.
- big4alRfEj7 days agoNew Spectator
I agree, this workaround works for me. I was frustrated with this and left a long rant in this discussion. After switching my PS5 settings to stay offline, Madden will give you a pop-up message warning you won't be able to make any "Team Pass" progress as you are offline. The logos are all back to normal. I was playing offline Franchise Mode anyway, so it's not a problem for me, except I will just need to turn it on once in a while to see if there are any actual updates.
- GratefulDEAd95884 days agoSeasoned Rookie
Are my saved franchises and roster still available in offline mode?
- big4alRfEj4 days agoNew Spectator
I'm able to play my offline franchise with no issues, after putting my PS5 offline. Even if you use the automatic roster update to first generate your franchise roster, you could save that roster, then turn PS5 offline, go back into game and you can access offline franchise with any roster you have already saved. As long as you are okay with completely offline franchise. I have been doing this the last few days and it successfully removes any "Team Pass" logos and all that. Of course there won't be any actual progression towards those Team Pass goals, for anyone that does use that, but doesn't like the logos. Doesn't work for anyone who does want to use any other online features while they play.
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