
hoskins779's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
12 days ago

Roster Update Error

Product: Madden NFL 25
Platform:Xbox Series X
Please specify your platform model. Microsoft Xbox Series X
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? Geo1076
Date/time issue occurred 2/20/25
What type of issue do you have? Crash/Freeze
Which mode has this happened in? Online head to head
Summarize your bug I keep receiving Rosrer update error. It keeps saying an error has occurred while downloading the latest roster.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? IDK
What happens when the bug occurs? I get an error screen
What do you expect to see? An error screen


  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    12 days ago

    Hi there. I'd like you to power cycle your equipment with the following steps: unplug your modem/router and console. After 2 minutes plug in the modem/router. Let them come back online completely. Then plug in your console and start it up. Let me know if that helps or not. Thanks!

  • Hello, I have been having the same issue with the roster update error. I did the steps you listed above and it did not resolve the issue. I have seen multiple posts of the same issue, but still have not seen a solution. Do you have any other suggestions to fix this?

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    11 days ago

    Try these steps:

    1. Go to the creation center
    2. Go to load/delete files > All
    3. Delete all files except Franchise Mode/Team Builder

    Let me know if that helps or not. Thanks!

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