
NitroXIII's avatar
New Rookie
30 days ago

Bugs I have found with attributes/skating/shooting

  1. The Passing attribute has 0 effect on your max passing power. 36 Passing is the same as 99. 36 is the same as 99 with Tape to Tape or even Send It. All passes charged to the max on Total Control settings (also tried Hybrid and Skill Stick as well just in case, AND 100/100  vs. 0/100 online pass assist when I tested online). No matter what, fully charged passes took just about 20 frames to travel the same distance. I passed it from my D-zone faceoff dot straight towards the neutral zone dots used for offsides etc. and counted how many frames it took the puck to travel from the top of the faceoff circle to the blue line.
  2. Certain Shot Styles affect your shot speed. Easiest test is one timers with One Timer Style 1 vs One Timer Style 18 (or it might be 17, it's been a while since we tested it) since the speeds show up on the boards with One Timers (sometimes). My friend and I used the exact same build using the exact same method to shoot (Just hold L2 and Up, no worrying about timing) in an online practice mode and my shots were on average 5-10 MPH slower, until I switched my Slap Shot Style off of 18 to 1. We took 20+ shots each.
  3. Skating Style does seem to have some effect on the way your guy turns and stops (No effect on speed I can tell that for a fact). I don't want to theorize about what does what as it's hard to demonstrate. All I know is I've started using all 99 except Upper Body Twist set to 0. There were some loadouts where I couldn't do the like, 45 degree stride cuts, some where my guy would just stutter a few times while trying to do a stop and turn around (I think this was something to do with 0 stride height). Some builds would have wacky stick animations (combine 99 One handed stick sweep with 0 two handed stick sweep). I feel like this needs to be revisited because I'm convinced the physics of the way your guy strides and where his feet are how hunched over he is etc. have effects on your characters functional agility at the bare minimum.



  • One thing I forgot to mention, just in case you ask, I did also test the passing with another player to pass to. Used the offline team practice and put the stick blade of the player I was passing to on top of the same neutral zone dot I was passing too in the other tests. Same results.

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    29 days ago

    Hey there. Thanks for all the feedback. I've passed on your report about passing speed. Can you get me videos of the other 2 so I can relay them as well? 

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