I've always loved playing EASHL games and opening bags to unlock new stuff and new customizations. But all that work is for none cause every time I try to save anything like jerseys, or logos, or colors, I get and error code. And the only answer I hear is "you gonna have to remake the club" sorry, I'm just not doing that. I've work to hard for the stuff that I've unlocked, I think I deserve to use them. all of this goes both ways with Stock uniforms and custom made ones. Please please please fix this 🙏
Can't Customize My NHL25 EASHL Club
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- EA_Aljo4 months ago
Community Manager
25 is absolutely not a carbon copy. That would mean nothing at all changed. There were a very high amount of changes this year so I have to think you're not actually playing 25 if this is how you feel.
Yes. I play 25 regularly. My club is also on Xbox, which appears to have fewer issues than on PS. We have had no problems customizing our club. I hate that many of you are having this problem. When it comes down to priorities, we need to handle the more critical issues first. I sincerely hope this one gets addressed sooner than later as I know it is very frustrating for many of you.
The reason many messages get ignored is because they include rude comments, rants, are non-constructive, etc. Those posting in a more constructive and friendly manner are far more likely to get attention.
- W3s834 months agoNew Spectator
It’s blatantly obvious you don’t care about the people that play the game. If you did this wouldn’t have happened. And with any other franchise I’ve played, anytime there’s been a major issue, players have been compensated, whether that’s some free XP or something. You dropped the ball, I speak for everyone when I say it’s up to you to make this up to us.
- W3s834 months agoNew Spectator
Your response tells us everything we needed to know. Welcome to the real world pal. You make a garbage product, customers have the right to be upset and not send you roses and sunshine rainbows in a thread.
And what’s changed, presentation is completely the same, career mode has the exact same “pond scene” intro for the last 4 years. Look at other sports games and look how they differ from year to year. You guys are so far behind the 8 ball.
- W3s834 months agoNew Spectator
And also very happy your game works for you! Thanks for ignoring everything I said aswell! You’re a master at getting defensive. This isn’t a personal attack here, I’m a frustrated customer that paid $90 for a game that had a major issue and nothing was done to adress it. It’s not that deep.
- W3s834 months agoNew Spectator
Also just for your information, I’d encourage you to look back at my posts a month ago on this thread. I was nothing but respectful. Youre making this something it’s not. You dropped the ball Aljo
- EA_Aljo4 months ago
Community Manager
I'm not saying you don't have the right to be upset. I fully understand that. I'm talking about the kinds of posts frequently seen here. I'm not singling you out personally. That was a general statement about the messages I choose to respond to. I want to encourage constructive and respectful communication rather than the ones that are more about venting. Again, not singling you out.
I also responded to you previously about club customization. I wasn't ignoring you.
The whole reason I'm even here is because I care about the people playing this game. It's my playing of this series for the better part of the last 30 years that brought me here to begin with with the intent to be your voice. There have been a huge amount of changes based solely on feedback from the community. It's disappointing you're not seeing that. Again, there's only so much I can do. I'm not responsible for what gets fixed when. I don't decide the changes that go into the game.
- Dome_Punch3 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
This is extremely frustrating - CV Dangleville
- JHutch193 months agoNew Spectator
Also having the same issue. Club name [Brewhouse Bandits]
Please fix, this is brutal not being able to edit any part of my club... Deleting the club is an AWFUL solution and completely embarrassing that you even suggest it EA_Aljo
- z33241p78lov3 months agoNew Spectator
my club name is Zynichino Zebras and we are unable to edit our jerseys. It just says error cannot retrieve data
- hawkeyehall203 months agoNew Spectator
Same problem here specifically does it at the logos for me when I try to save after changing them. Get the same error code every time. Club is Big Brother Thunder
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