When leveling up your EASHL Club, we are receiving now rewards or bags to unlock custom team items (I.E New stadiums, logos, goal horns, etc.)
We have leveled up to 19 on our club and have not received one bag. We put a lot of work in every year to level up our club fast and it feels like the work is for nothing with this bug.
Club Rewards
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- AwesomeM-105235 months agoRising Novice
Same here just got to club level 13 and got our first bag. I hope there will be someway if this is a glitch to get the bags we missed out on
- EA_David5 months ago
Community Admin
Hi, we have implemented a fix that will ensure clubs receive the correct bags when leveling up.
For clubs that missed out on their rewards, we're preparing a separate fix to address this later in the week. Thank you for your patience. - chamulaa54 months agoSeasoned Novice
I am still having the issue 8 days later, has there been a fix? I still cannot equip a chest logo. Clubs a 21. Was level 15 or more during early access and should already have thisEA_David
- EA_Aljo4 months ago
Community Manager
Status changed:NewtoFixed - BigBadTeacher2 months agoNew Spectator
Why are we earning club bags but keep getting logos and jerseys that only our player can use? Thought whole point of playing as a club was to earn club stuff for your team.
- EA_Aljo2 months ago
Community Manager
Are you sure you're opening club bags and not player bags?
- BigBadTeacher2 months agoNew Spectator
Nope they say club bags. It's been the past 5 to 8 bags like this
- EA_Aljo2 months ago
Community Manager
When you say you're only getting items your player can use, do you mean you're never getting any arena items?
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