My sim just gave birth to a baby girl that I named Aimee. A few minutes after (real-time) I aged her up and now she's an infant. I didn't like her outfit so I opened CAS to change her clothes. When C...
New Baby Bug
2 months agoHero+
So it was fine the second time you tried ?
Did you get any lastException files ? It sounds a bit like this issue: so it would be good to know if you have the same exception at any point.
23 days agoNew Spectator
Yes, the second time was fine.
I don't think it is the same issue as the one in the link because when my sim had the baby it was added to my household and was even playable. The bug happened after I went back to live mode from CAS (which my sim became pregnant again and the baby in my household is not playable anymore and is not part of my sims genealogy). But, I did just check my files and it does have lastException files.
- crinrict23 days agoHero+
Could you copy/paste the exception in a post here ? Just open it with any notepad.
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