
A3_ashleigh's avatar
New Spectator
22 hours ago
Under Investigation

Serenading causes romance bar with inappropriate age groups

I was playing yesterday and noticed the mom was serenading (she does this constantly to her husband) but instead of her husband, it was her daughter. Now they have a romance bar and are considered romantic interests. If I go to do an action on one from the other, romance does not appear, but I can view their relationship.

I have MCCC installed but have not made any changes to MC Woohoo. After I saw this happen, I cheated their relationship bits back to normal, but they still show up under the romance category for each other.

I am honestly so grossed out; I have a feeling this has to do with the fact that my sims constantly serenade their spouses and thus caused it to glitch out. 

Is there a way to completely get rid of any romance at all between them?

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit archived bug report: Serenading causes romance bar with inappropriate age groups | EA Forums - 11424791 


  • A3_ashleigh's avatar
    New Spectator
    13 hours ago

    There really wasn't anything to test since the mom did it on her own. When I did take MCCC away though, they were still under the relationship tab for each other.

    Edit: I did a fix to remove their relationship completely. I then manually added all the previous relationship bits they had before the deletion (minus the romance ofc). I'm really hoping this doesn't happen again because it was a pain to have to put the bits back. I also lost all their progress in regard to sentiments.

  • There haven't been many reports on this at the old thread so could you please remove MCCC and test without it ?

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