Knowledge Base Article

Level up with EA forums ranks!

In the new forums everyone gets a rank to show their experience and activity level at a glance. It's mostly just for fun, and can be a good way to show your progress

There are 3 main types of ranks on the forum; Standard, Superusers, and EA Personnel, which are detailed below. 

For Standard ranks, they are generally 2 words, a sub-rank and main rank; so "Rising Novice, or Seasoned Observer". 

Active Ranks: 

For folks who post, reply, comment, like posts and mark solutions we have 10 main ranks to progress through, each with 3 sub-ranks. Exact requirements are hidden, but posting, replying, liking and providing solutions will all go towards making progress. 
Progress will tend to be faster earlier on, so you might find yourself flying through the ranks. If so, and you want to receive fewer notifications, please check this article

  1. Newcomer
  2. Novice
  3. Rookie
  4. Traveler
  5. Scout
  6. Adventurer
  7. Vanguard
  8. Hotshot
  9. Veteran
  10. Ace

Passive Ranks: 

We know that a lot of folks will never post on a forum, and that the majority of posts are made by a relative minority of forum-goers. 
For those folks who prefer to read, we have 2 main ranks, again with 3 sub-ranks each. 

1: Spectator
2: Observer


Our, sub-ranks are: New, Rising, and Seasoned, and are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd sub-ranks within the main rank. 
So for example a Seasoned Scout (rank 5) would level up to a New Adventurer (rank 6)


You can find a more detailed breakdown of the Superuser program here, but in short, it's a way to recognize standout community members, they get a new rank, as well as some rewards and forum abilities. 
You'll recognize them by the Hero and Hero+ icons.

EA personnel 

You'll see EA staff here gathering info, asking questions, moderating and helping where they can.
The purple and blue folks are the dedicated forum staff that you'll likely see the most often, with the pink ranks being folks from our various gaming studios and support organizations.


Published 8 months ago
Version 1.0
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