Lost Connection to EA Servers
I cannot connect online to Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield 1, Battlefield 5, and Battlefield 2042. I've read many of the EA Help articles and scrolled through the forums, but I haven't found a solution to this problem. I've talked to an EA advisor, which didn't help. I have good internet, and I've tried on a different console, and other troubleshooting methods. I have no clue why I can't connect because I can play other games fine. Is there anyone who may have this problem or maybe a solution? Thank youCONSOLES / MOUSE AND KEYBOARD SUPPORT for New battlefield 2025
Hello! Here I am referring to the discussion about mouse and keyboard support on consoles for the new battlefield that is currently in the works. With great hope and fear that this time EA and DICE will do whatever it takes to get support on consoles because over 10,000 players signed a petition for 2042 and NOTHING HAPPENED. With the CROSS PLAY option, every game deserves to have this support. What is your opinion on this? I personally have my doubts about it. Can DICE or EA tell us anything about this?