C&C Collection - Please allow individual downloads
Regarding the issue with Conquering Collection Packages, I hope EA can separate versions and let players download the games they need individually, rather than ordering the forced download of the ontology plus DLC, because I have already purchased Red Alert 3 and started the moment before. I made a collection purchase, but I lost the traditional Chinese game language of Red Alert 3, and forced me to download Uprising Moment when I downloaded Red Alert 3. As a result, the Uprising Moment I purchased separately on Halloween always had conflicting hopes, and it also made it very troublesome for me to install the mod and map of Red Alert 3. EA can let players download and install the games they need before each version is independently restored to download and run, instead of forcing the download of the main body and DLC! (CM: Edited to add more context to thread title)C&C Generals Zero Hour
Recently purchased a new computer. all drivers and updates are completed. When i attempt to change the graphics settings in both Generals and Generals Zero hour I am limited and if I choose anything other than the default 800X600, It attempts to change but freezes and you cant click accept or cancel, nothing. I tried repairing the game and clearing the cache to no avail. I even uninstalled and reinstalled. However when I play red Alert 3, All the different graphics display in settings and i can set it to highest with no issues. So what's up with Zero Hour? That's my favorite and its driving me bonkers that i cannot play it!Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection
I have The C&C Ultimate Collection and play Red Alert with Counterstrike and Aftermath virtually every day. It has worked ok since I first paid and installed it. For the last few days, when I start Red Alert from the EA App it start loading and then I get a blank screen and the PC hangs. I have to cntl/alt/del to get to Task Manager and cancel ra95.dat to get control of my PC back. It may or may not be related to the latest Windows update which was a big one. I contacted EA support chat and he suggested clearing the cache via the Start Menu, EA, App Recovery but that did not solve the problem. He suggested reverting Windows back, but this version does not allow it and a) trying could screw up my entire PC b) the problem may not be related to the Windows update anyway (talk about a hammer to crack a nut). He then told me to uninstall Red Alert and re-install it in the EA App. So, ok, I uninstalled it from the three dots in the Library (I had already tried repair and that did not work). But then there is no icon for Red Alert to re-install it. I have lost the game completely and the key that was registered to my original download!! He literally then said he couldn't help me and ended the conversation having made me uninstall the game completely. I can't even keep trying in the hope it might work as it is no longer on my PC. Incredible! EA can see I have paid and downloaded C&C Ultimate Collection already. Why can't they give me a key to download it all again or at least download Red Alert. That is the worst customer service I have ever known. Am I the only one to have this problem?Time for a new C&C Remaster
Hello EA Games and hello fellow C&C fans! The C&C Remastered Collection was a success for EA, both loved by gamers and also sold very well. Just this year C&C The Ultimate Collection went live on Steam and immediately got into the top 20 most popular steam titles where it held for like a month EA's surprise megadump of classic Command & Conquer games means Europe's March game sales were dominated by 25-year-old RTSes, beating WWE 2K24 and Nintendo (article by PC Gamer) It's been 4 years and complete radio silence from EA on the future of C&C as a real RTS game on PC and console, where the series belongs, no offense to mobile gamers. The demand for say a second remastered collection with Red Alert 2, Tiberian Sun or Generals or who knows maybe a completely new title is there and it's real. People on the C&C communities in Reddit and Facebook still ask about it regularly although they're beginning to doubt if we'll ever see something. The release of C&C Ultimate Collection on Steam this March and the huge success it was made fans hopeful that this actually means EA has not forgotten about the series and was planning to do something with it. The guys at Petroglyph and Lemon Sky who did the first remasters have said they're willing to do it again, the community wants it, the games sell well, what more is needed? We're eagerly awaiting to hear back from EA Games as we always have been throughout the years. This is the subreddit of C&C where thousands of us fans are active in discussing and sharing our love for our favorite series https://www.reddit.com/r/commandandconquer/ Special thanks to Jim Vessella(Jimtern) who has gone above and beyond for the C&C community through the years. Really appreciate all you did for C&C and we all wish you well wherever you are! Drop by the sub some time people would love to hear from you. Oh and next year will be the 30th anniversary of the Command and Conquer series, so maybe a good time to surprise fans with something nice. For now happy 29 C&C!