Saw Gerrera special 1 bypassing Turn Meter Reduction immunity. Repost of this - the fix was made for Queen Amidala however Saw Gerrera still works.5Views0likes0CommentsMissing buttons... FIX YOUR GAME
Buttons disappeared during Grand arena fight: Bo-Katan (Mand'alor) vs GL Ahsoka, and I lost the round because of it: banners difference + time out in the end, having to wait 5 minutes for the fight to end (because I killed one toon) I tried every other button but it did not do anything, auto mod didn't work either. Please FIX YOUR GAME5Views0likes0CommentsWrong banners in Grand Arena
I am receiving less banners than the ones that has to be. Just made 4 combats in this round and in each one they are counting less. After 2 combats I was suspicious and then I confirmed It. I had 106 banners and in the third combat I take 57 banners but only counted me 154. This is gonna me lost the round and it's not fair at all45Views0likes3CommentsCere omicron vs liea
This bug is from the start in grand arena cere omicron saying Dark Side or Light Side Unaligned Force Users and there are no Galactic Legend allies at the start of battle: All allies gain 30% Max Health and Max Protection and are immune to Ability Block and Daze but this is not including leia special 1 undispellable daze36Views0likes3CommentsGAC LOST BANNER
Attached is a picture of my first 6 battles at GAC today. Cere Oponente Batalla Intentos Obtenidos Entregados Diferencia JMK Jabba 1 1 68 58 10 Traya Gungans 2 1 57 48 9 Cere Rey 3 1 54 48 6 Bane Q. Amidala 4 1 55 52 3 JML Enoch 5 1 57 48 9 SEE / SLKR Great Mothers 6 2 32 28 4 41 also the action buttons for GLAT dissapear once she make her ultimate, happens in GAC, TW, GT.24Views0likes2Comments[BUG] Reva GAC omi applies Deathmark on extra chars
The GAC omi for Reva's leadership is only supposed to apply Deathmark when purge is dispelled on the enemy character whose turn it currently is. However, it sometimes gets applied to extra characters. See this clip for Reva Inquisitors vs Queen Amidala. Queen opens up with a debuff dispell and gets Deathmarked, but so does Master Qui-Gon when it should be applied only to her. No other character gets Deathmark applied to them, just QGJ.8Views0likes0CommentsLost Banners GAC
After having problems with the action buttons disappearing in GAC and ROTE in battles with and Versus GLAT, now it turns out that the points obtained for the battles on GAC are not being counted correctly. Any idea when you are going to fix so many bugs? Or at least cancel this GAC and hand over the crystals.20Views1like0Comments[BUG] Dispell from Malevolent Whirlwind is unavoidable while damage is avoidable
Bane's 1st special, Malevolent Whirlwind, is able to dispell buffs even when a target has Foresight, but it won't deal damage to that target. Please see this this video clip - Padawan Obi-Wan has Foresight + Stealth and some other buffs. After Bane uses Malevolent Whirlwind Obi-Wan took no damage but he lost all of his original buffs and instead has new buffs granted from Master Qui-Gon as a result of the attack. Thus the Foresight did not allow Obi-Wan to dodge the entire attack. Compare this to Admiral Piett's 2nd special, which dispells (from light side) and deals damage. In this clip, Qui-Gon and Kelleran have Foresight + some other buffs and after Piett uses his 2nd, only Foresight is consumed and the two characters take no damage, retaining their other buffs. Thus the Foresight did allow them to dodge the entire attack. This implies that Bane's Malevolent Whirlwind is not consistent or is functioning incorrectly, because since it does not anywhere contain the clause "this cannot be evaded", either everything in the attack must be evaded when a target has Foresight (double dispell + damage) or select parts of the ability should be evaded when a target has Foresight given that it is written as "X then Y", compared to Piett's ability written "X and Y". Right now the check to apply the ability effects seems to be (dispell + damage) then (dispell), but given how the ability is written the deal damage check should occur after the second dispell.18Views0likes0Comments