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Missing GLAT Titles from requirements
Hi I unlocked Galactic Legend Ahsoka Tano on the 22nd December 2024 . I finished requirements 3 & 4 earlier that Month but haven’t received the titles for either of them and still patiently waiting for them or any update about them. so any kind of news or updates about this would be greatly appreciated and I’m sure I am not the only one who has had this happen to. 🤞chriswalker150247 minutes agoRising Rookie8Views0likes0CommentsExtra Life Incentives not recieved
Hi, I replied to the post where Meathead asked us to drop our ally-codes if we hadn't recieved it yet. And I made a thread (possibly at the wrong place) that got no traction. So I am yet again asking kindly if its possible to get the incentives, I really would like the icons. I have receipts on email if needed to show. Ally code: 956-977-768Thundersnail935 hours agoNew Spectator3Views0likes0CommentsGame Not Registering Completion of Requirements for Second Tier of GL Ahsoka
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Platform:iOS What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? iPad (5th Generation) OS Version 16.7.10 Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 923-561-658 What type of issue do you have? Missing Rewards How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Summarize your bug I completed the second tier of requirements for Galactic Legend Ahsoka Tano, but the game doesn't recognize it as complete and didn't give me the title even though it lists all the requirements as checked off. Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Connection Type Please select your region Country Thank youSolvedGloryOfTheMany6 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer764Views4likes14Comments- LexTano7 hours agoNew Novice120Views0likes15Comments
The New Clone 99 Event
Hey guys, so I just logged in this morning and saw that there is a new event for all the Bad batch clone 99 guys. I was very excited so I started playing it and Lula play all of them except for the tech event. For some reason it was locked and unavailable for me. This may be a problem on my side, or maybe it isn’t… not quite sure so 🤷. But hopefully someone can read this n hopefully it is fixed. Thank u so much n have a good day240Views6likes13CommentsLeia ult revive issues.
I think there is an issue with Leias ult revive. Ive been battling squads in GAC, Squad Arena, TW, Galactic Challenge against different gls. Some i know dont prevent revive. But yet Leia just havent been reviving when she hits ult. Datacron or not. Its did she get Nerfed?SolvedGemini67779 hours agoRising Traveler25Views0likes2CommentsNo shards/rewards for old Bad Batch 99 marquees
Even though I tick all of the requirements, and many others seem to be getting the shards, I’m not getting them. it’s extra frustrating when I’m only 50-odd shards from having them all at 7* Is anybody else having this problem?heybuddyheyguy12 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer46Views0likes4CommentsMissing Last Ult Piece for Rey
My game crashed on like the 5th attempt for the rey ult piece and I didn’t think of it as a big deal until I completed my last attempt and ended with 9 ult pieces instead of 10 can someone help pls My ally code is 325-887-842 and my name is LordJinSakai6h334krfxeij22 hours agoRising Newcomer9Views0likes0CommentsFinalizer event does not disappear
Hello! I have Finalizer and Radius ships but their respective events do no disappear from the event list. Its annoying see it since I can't complete the last mission (I already have them at 7 stars). Both events are persistent every day. Will they ever go away???SCVoyager2 days agoSeasoned Newcomer28Views1like1CommentParsec Rewards
Why aren’t the rewards resetting? I’m due about 4 rounds of rewards after dumping a boatload of money in on site and it showed the green bars of how much it would increase each time but never reset…just sitting at max. Please give me what I’m owed. Thanks. Ally code 471-549-291TonyPants8292 days agoSeasoned Novice22Views0likes1CommentFinalizer/Raddus events stuck and cannot get Profundity
Every day, the Finalizer and Raddus events refresh. This has been happening for months. I have both ships maxed. In that same time, I have not seen a Profundity event. Screen shots are from today.axsnyder2 days agoSeasoned Novice37Views0likes3CommentsCan't signin
I can't seem to be able to sign-in to the game. I play the game on my phone and for the last few days it's says connection lost or I must be logged into another device or I haven't logged in for 24 hrs. I just want to play my game. I cleared all the cache didn't work. Can someone please help me.11Views0likes0CommentsEvasions in Swgoh
После введения легенды Асока, играть стало просто невыносимо. Везде написано про 2% шанс увернуться, при любом действии. Тогда объясните, пожалуйста, откуда в боях по 26 уклонений от игрока и никаких уклонений от соперника? Уже 5 раз эти бесконечные уклонения, руинят игру на ВА, ВЗТ. Раньше тоже был 1 бой из 10, вылетало очень много уворотов (очень много, это примерно 10-15). Но после введения Асоки, сильно заметно стало с января 2025 года, количество уклонений в боях увеличилось как минимум в три раза. Везде написано, про шанс уклонения в 2%, при любом действии персонажа. Тогда объясните, пожалуйста, откуда в боях 26 уклонений от игрока и никаких уклонений от соперника? Раньше тоже был 1 бой из 10, вылетело очень много уворотов (очень много, это примерно 10-15). Но после внедрения Асоки, то есть с января, количество уворотов в боях увеличилось как минимум в три раза. И сейчас в КАЖДОМ бою не менее 6-10 уклонений. Из-за такого количества уклонений играть на флоте невозможно. Там, если вы допустите 1-2 ошибки, считайте, что вы проиграли. А с таким количеством уклонений, даже если играть без ошибок, выиграть не возможно. И ладно бы, это было только на моем аккаунте, я бы списал все на невезение. Но такая же проблема, у всего альянса гильдий. Весь альянс гильдий (13 гильдий в альянсе, в дискорде, это 600+ игроков) видит одну и ту же картину, с этими уклонениями. Играть стало просто невозможно. 9Views0likes0Commentsproblems with Rey's legend and stage riddles
Good day. I encountered a problem. I am credited for completing tasks for the legend of Rey 2 and 4. The task is completed, but the title is not opened. The ally code is 667-213-764. I am attaching screenshots. help me solve the problemSolved25Views0likes2Comments