error 108255-1 en version PS5 pero no en PS4
Tengo la PS5, he comprado el FC25 tanto en disco como digital. Y cuando quiero iniciar el juego, me sale el error 108255-1. Sin embargo, si me descargo la version para PS4 ( incluida en la compra digital), esta versión sí me funciona.... Me pasa lo mismo con el MADDEN25. He seguido todos los pasos que se indican para reiniciar, pero el problema persiste.... Dónde puede estar el problema???13Views0likes0CommentsError crossplay PC with XBOX Series S Pro Clubs fc25
Hello. I would like to know if there is a solution to a crossplay error that occurs every time I try to play with my friend in Pro Clubs. When playing with my friend in Pro Clubs (he plays on XBOX Series S and I play on PC), after the first match, when trying to connect to another match, it automatically kicks me back to the main menu and gives the error "There was an error retrieving your online information. Please try again." However, when I try to reconnect to Pro Clubs with my friend, it doesn't let me. When I close the game and reopen it, I can play a match without problem, but when I try to play a second match, the same error appears again. I need help, I have the Steam version of FC 25, which I purchased during the pre-sale, but since the first update the game received, this issue has been happening. I’ve tried verifying the integrity of the files and even uninstalling the game, but the error still persists. Is there any solution?3Views0likes0Comments