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Battlefield 2042 - Dark Protocol, Killswitch: Geist Forge Update

T0TALfps's avatar
Icon for DICE Team rankDICE Team
2 years ago

We hope you’ve been enjoying Dark Protocol, Battlefield 2042’s new Limited Time Event that’s available for play until November 14.

Based on combat data received over the first two days of Dark Protocol, AOS, the Boreas artificial intelligence, has issued itself a firmware update to all Geist Forges to increase their lethality. 

That means that through your feedback and gameplay we’re dialing up the spook factor with several gameplay improvements that are active immediately to our ongoing Limited Time Mode, Killswitch, and the gameplay behavior of Geists.

//The Battlefield Team

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  • Geist survivability has been increased, with Damage Taken per bullet reduced from 0.33 -> 0.3.
  • Geist Stun Behavior has been minimized, Stun Behavior refers to the actions they take once they have received substantial damage within a short period of time.
    • Previously, Geists would be stunned when receiving 15% of total health loss in under 1.5 seconds. This will now occur at 50% of total health loss in under 0.5 seconds.

Dev Comment: We’ve seen your comments that it was sometimes unclear why Geists would stop moving during combat. Their gameplay behavior as Synthetic Soldiers was intended to  have them remain stunned when dealt considerable damage during a short period of time. However, this gameplay behavior didn’t always lead to fun engagements so we are reducing this effect.


  • Forges now spawn 12 Geists per wave, increased from 9.
  • Spawn time between waves has been increased from 15 seconds to 17.5 seconds.
  • The maximum number of Geists available in-game simultaneously has been reduced from 40 to 30. 

Dev Comment: This adjustment takes into account their increased effectiveness and the potential of Geists lasting longer during encounters.

This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0


  • DaveTheBrave_USA's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago

    @sagezz_ wrote:

    Alright i might be wrong on that part. Havent played today so didn’t know that. But 1v1 me anytime infantry, helis, jets anything. Then you’ll know how ”bad” i am when i beat you to 6 feet underground

    Burial depth is 8 feet.

  • @T0TALfps Dear DICE Team,

    I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you today as an avid fan and dedicated player of the Battlefield franchise, specifically Battlefield 2042. While I hold immense respect for the talent and dedication exhibited by the DICE team, there are some pressing concerns that have been echoed throughout the community which, regrettably, appear to have been overlooked.

    1. Discrepancies in Gameplay Experience:

    One of the most glaring issues in Battlefield 2042 lies in the inconsistencies in the gameplay experience. Weapons, particularly when utilizing specific scopes like the heat sensor scopes, exhibit erratic behavior. The bullet registration system, a cornerstone of any first-person shooter, appears to be faltering in its execution. These discrepancies greatly hinder the immersive experience that the Battlefield series has been celebrated for.

    2. Game Stability and Polish:

    While I acknowledge that every game may have its teething problems at launch, Battlefield 2042, even in its current state, resembles more of an extended beta than a fully-fledged AAA title. It is crucial that the game achieves a standard worthy of the legacy that the Battlefield franchise has established. It is disappointing to see a game with such potential not reach the heights it was anticipated to.

    3. Perceived Disconnection from the Community:

    A notable concern within the community is a feeling of disconnection from the developers. It appears as though the feedback and suggestions from dedicated players are not being acknowledged or addressed adequately. The strength of the Battlefield community has always been its passionate and invested player base, and it is disheartening to witness a perceived lack of responsiveness.

    4. The Path Forward:

    In light of these concerns, I implore the DICE team to consider revisiting and prioritizing these issues promptly. A transparent and open dialogue with the community would go a long way in re-establishing trust and confidence. A shared commitment to refining and elevating the Battlefield 2042 experience will undoubtedly lead to a more prosperous future for the franchise.

    I believe that together, as a united community, we can help steer Battlefield 2042 back on course. It is my sincere hope that this letter serves as a constructive catalyst for change, and that DICE will continue to lead the gaming industry in innovation, quality, and player satisfaction.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I remain optimistic about the potential for positive change and eagerly anticipate a Battlefield 2042 that lives up to its full promise.
  • Delete manually EA ANTI CHEAT related folders and files (check for hidden files/folders)

    Delete all content and Folders:


    C:\Users\> USERNAME <\AppData\Local\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\AC

    C:\Users\> USERNAME <\AppData\Local\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\AC2

    C:\Users\> USERNAME <\AppData\Roaming\EA

    C:\Users\> USERNAME <\AppData\Roaming\EAAntiCheat.Installer.Tool

    C:\Program Files\EA\AC

    Reboot PC

    Now reinstall EAC , find it at:

    C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2042\EAAntiCheat\EAAntiCheat.Installer.exe

    Right click it and select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR !!

    Reboot pc and test game, update us !

    PS this is at default installatl location from BF2042
  • RamboThe1's avatar
    2 years ago

    WTF, no wonder EA keeps making 100 changes every update. STFU 

  • Ciao

    My fears were well-founded, the game got very, very very bad after the change log. Before, it was quite balanced: those who had the 3D printer had an advantage, but nothing more. Now whoever has the printer has won. Now the game is boring. My compliments once again you have listened to the wrong "sirens" as you have often done, instead of listening to those who really play the game and who love the Franchise. 


  • i 100 percvent agree they should have leaned more on the super soldiers aspect instead of zombies  make them strong as * so it takes liek 20 mags of ammo to take them down  and make it so they are fairly good at aiming  but there ammo is liek the worst gun in the game   so you have time to react to gettting shot but also so we can use one guy as bait  and then others hoot the super soldiers   and do that over and over somehting of that nature    maybe even make it so they can jump super high to get out of combat when there about to die but with only liek 1% of life left so if your good enough shots you could kill one in the air as its jumping away