Blog Post
Listen to community "feedback"
So make guns work like they did in beta
Get rid of specialist
- 4 years ago
Specialist make none sense is like the trying imitation of war zone and warzone is * game it should be like old days not this crap
- 4 years ago
Have not been able to get into Breakthrough for hours. Servers says waiting on players, so I guess no bots now on these servers. Like to see how many people are connected to the server. Wait five minutes trying to see if people come into server get kicked. Like to see a map rotation so I am not playing the same map over and over.
- 4 years ago@Masqerader ok kid can you stop perroting the non sens sbout specialist ? Specialist are fine znd better than traditional classes system wich only lead to classes imbalance and poeoples picking up specialist for guns or being stuck with the wrong weapons if they wanted the gadjets also the guns given to classes were totally arbitrary .. one Medic gets LMG Assault had amo then assault got med pack and Ar and support gets lmg amo NONE OF IT MADE SENS so get of the high horses and wake up to the fact that specialist and classes freedom is 1000X time better than past tittles
- 4 years ago
Go play portal then, but specialist stay
- 4 years ago
Hello everyone, I'm from Brazil and I'm trying this problem with Xbox Series X shutting down from BETA, now on 11/19 I'm downloading the latest version to see if the Xbox shutdown problem has been resolved.
I will record everything with my cell phone, if the Xbox shuts down or crashes I will post the video here.
- 4 years ago
Hello i also game on a XSX, can you tell me some details which is linked to the xbox and not the game.
- How is it standing ? flat or upright
- Is it at in a unit or open area ?
- Is the back of the unit facing a wall ? does the wire face a wall close up
Sometimes the game needs more power have you played around with game settings ? i have turned something off like blur, changed field of view, the list goes on but the game still looks stunning on my tv.
I really want to help you enjoy this game for what it is, has i am hardocre xbox fan and battlefield fan..
- 4 years ago@Masqerader Agree a 100%
- 4 years ago@Masqerader Hey
- 4 years ago
Can someone please tell me why nobody can talk to there squad??? I understand the reason for sensor ship. But I mean come on no Communication with your squad that doesn’t even make sense. Communicating with your squad at what makes it competitive. And makes it possible to meet new people! Why don’t you just put an age agreement. And then people can be able to talk to there squad. Little kids should t be playing this game anyways! So the Adults have to go without because someone don’t want the kid to hear a bad word! GIVE ME A BREAK!!!
- 4 years ago@Masqerader No contextual lean, no adaptive triggers on PS5, plain graphics with flat textures. Huge disappointment. Maps are so big it feels like a running simulator.