Blog Post
There is a entire PVE audience that doesnt want to bother with multiplayer. These people spent upwards of 100usd to have early access. Every hour you arent returning normal XP and Unlocking of attachments for guns and vehicles to Solo/Coop vs AI is a slap in the face for those people. We paid almost double to have early access and start grinding and now we cant.
- 4 years ago@Lunatlque Imagine buying a PvP game for PvE? i think you just need to get good
- 4 years ago
Hazard Zone is more PVE than PVP dude, Also in Bsttlefield 3 you had to do PVE to unlock exclusive weapons, It also wasn't always a Multiplayer Game, You should know that, Its just sad that they didnt release this with a campaign, Would personally make up for the glitches
- davidpiksi4 years agoSeasoned Traveler@Dmorc03 They specifically advertised the game as having a prominent PvE component with progression. I didn't get it relying on it to be a PvP game
- 4 years ago
It's also a PvE game, or at least they advertised it as such.
- 4 years ago
@Lunatlque PVE Battlefield omegalul
- 4 years ago
its * that me and my friends cant just enjoy the game with out the need to sweat and try hard all the time i would rather just enjoy the game on my own terms.
as well as i hate having to wait 10-15 mins to get the heli i wanna level up only to get spamed by aa missles both ground and helis and jets its annoying... - 4 years ago@Lunatlque i hope they just bring the xp gains and stuff back too playing vs AI BOTS in portla mode as well./ i havent bought the game still waiting too see of they decide to do this..i really hope they do i want to play
- 4 years ago@Lunatlque Battlefield is a pvp game always has been.. its so easy in the pve solo maps to kill the AI why should you earn xp when the rest of us have to earn it against real players... ridiculous comment
- 4 years ago@jambo_gtir Why don't you play solo coop against bots then? Why force other to play your way? It's your choice, and you chose to not play solo coop to get xp.
- 4 years ago
@jambo_gtir wrote:
@LunatlqueBattlefield is a pvp game always has been.. its so easy in the pve solo maps to kill the AI why should you earn xp when the rest of us have to earn it against real players... ridiculous commentNot sure what you reply to, but i still thing some of what you are saying is not right.
(also, sorry for bad English, I'm Danish)
Yes in the newer years it has shifted focus to do PVP only. But the first few games like BF1942, BF Vietnam and BF2 was more like 50/50.
You could do a PVP, but it was not as easy like now days okay i was a kid at that time. (I'm 27, soon 28) and it was easy for me to start a PVE match.
In BF1942 and BF Vietnam I did only play PVE. First then BF2 come out i did play it in MP. And yes it was sometiems fun, but so was the PVE part.
It was pretty nice to get home from school start with a few match in PVE to learn stuff, and get better with it. and then go for PVP.
But after BF2, the basic change game engine and i think that play a part in why PVE got removed. (Not sure, but my idea right now then i write)
With Portal, the finally bring that part back to the game, and many of us maybe older players wanted that for so long.
Yes PVE will most likely always be easier then PVP. But the main part of Portal is to get the power back to players.
And play the way the want. I really love that part of it.
I can see why atm the have removed/lower XP from portal with to many server be started for XP farm.
And I'm fine with that for now, but i still want XP For playing portal. Because the normal way is very limited for now.
And with portal it is up to the player to pick how to play, so i could go another way and say you don't need to play PVP to get the same xp.
you could also just go for PVE and get easy XP. but no you like to play PVP and that is fine, i do also sometimes.
But in PVP we get cheaters and players in generel who like to find errors and bugs and use that.
on the other hand we get team work, and nice people, so is a 50/50 for me in PVP. And with the way 2042 is different from normal class.
I will say for me, i like the idea of getting back to some PVE action again. but i always want the feeling of getting something out of it.
like if you didn't get XP From PVP, i don't think that many players wanted to play it.
So all in all, the can't make every single one of us happy, but with adding portal and all the stuff that brings.
I do think we get pretty close.
Btw. Also remember that after level 100. There is nothing more to unlock. Every single level after is just to show off the time spend.
and some have the time to grind for it, and others don't have the time. (jobs, familiy etc)
The did also make the kill count for getting skins and upgrades. The skins part is for me just cosmetics. I don't care how people get it.
some will love how it looks and others don't care. most times i die in PVP. I just want to respawn quick again.
the upgrades you're right. It will be easy to unlock in PVE. and hard in PVP.
But i still think it should get unlock in Portal, some will unlock it easy, and others will fight hard for it.
and does who do fight hard, will also feel a bit better with themself.
At the end of day, we all do love how Battlefield as a game works, but we are not all the same in terms of play style.
Some of us like to use vehicles all day long, and others only like to play CQB. some want to play snipers, others like to be support class.
I do sometimes like to play semi-hardcore, but that is not a part of the game. but now with Portal we can all do what we want.
And I like the idea of having it both ways. Yes if you want the PVP with all the good and bad parts.
It will for sure take longer time to get all unlocks and skins, but you personally will also like how you got it all.
Others don't like PVP to much, because the bad part can shadow all the good part out, so the want the PVE instead.
So yet again, Portal is just the best way for how the can please as many as possible.
- Billy_bSLAYER4 years agoNew Traveler
So, you are telling us that as soon as bots were announced players lined up to pre-order and purchase Battlefield 2042? Or, after the launch players got endorphine kicks out of butchering portal nerfed bots to unlock everything real quick?
- 4 years ago
Who in their right mind would buy a Battlefield game for Solo play? Especially in this one since there's not even a campaign mode... don't get me wrong, I would like to be able to unlock attachments in Solo play (on the hardest difficulty for bots) too, but.... don't buy a cleary multiplayer game for solo play.
- 4 years ago
True that this is why I asked for my money back but Microsoft won't give my money back 😢