Blog Post
I must admit, On PS5 the game after 3.1 plays way better then before. The guns seem to do wat they must. Balance for infantry trying to hide from incoming heli's now is great. Flanking is now more possible. Grenades do their thing also.
Live by these rules:
-Return Fire, Take Cover, Return Appropriate Fire.
-See Enemy? Tell Distance, Direction, Description or use the marker
-Don't repeak. Fire and reposition
-Use your map and listen to your surroundings
-Jiggle peak corners, bunny hop open areas, and never stop moving in the open
We always stick to fixed objectives and move between 2 or 3, stay there for a while and then move on. It's no use to try to capture all objectives with one squad. You'll get killed as you don't know how that area is played. So stick to 2 objectives, when it gets really quiet move to another area. This for us is the best way to have great fun.
- 4 years ago
I think this game is pushing the Xbox Series X to it's limits, yet that makes it amazing when it runs stable as there is nothing out there for console players that has this much dynamic motion and action, at such high graphic levels (almost PC level). A one of a kind game in a good way, and why I stick to playing even though it does turn off the game at times and dump back to the Xbox main menu, and sometimes hard freezes which forces a restart button reset, and even once had to unplug the console.
The latest 3.1 update has made the freeze and game dumps less often, yet it does still exist. I'm not sure if it is network errors, hardware errors, or software errors that causes the freezes, but restarting the Xbox and loading the game fresh seems to be the best way to reduce the frequency.
I am guessing the game pushes the the Series X too hard at 120 frames (yet PC frame rates on console are amazing) as I use a 120 Hz 55" TV, and it holds 119 frames constantly yet when it does drop hard at oddly rare times (down to 30-40 frames), I know I have to drop out of the game, and reset the console as it will not recover even if I idle gameplay by stopping movement, etc. I'm confident it is not over-heating, as I have cooling system in the gaming room that holds the room at a stable 75 degrees constantly, which the is well below the upper heat limits for consoles. Again, a few resets are worth it as nothing on console has this much action, kudos to pushing the limits of the system, and I'm sure the bugs will get worked out over the next few months as long as the hardware can handle the loads created at 120 frames on console...
A few vehicle changes for consideration:
Reduce the C5 ability to remove any vehicle from play instantly. Let vehicles destroy vehicles and not some imaginary "C5" fantasy one hit wonder, especially when it is attached to a drone that has huge range. This makes vehicle vs vehicle engagements based more on luck than skill, and it takes almost no skill to blow up vehicles with C5 (infantry should have to be much further away or else die when "C5ing" the vehicle, etc).
Reduce the ability of snipers to shoot drivers out of air and ground vehicles from the FRONT windows. Out of the side windows takes more skill, and more realistic as most military vehicles have extremely heavy reinforced forward facing glass, for obvious reasons.
Reduce the number of locking "missile monkeys" that can lock on an air vehicle at one time. It is a little extreme to have three "missile monkeys" locking at once, and again such takes the engagement challenge fun out of vehicle to vehicle warfare. Let vehicles deal with vehicles, as that is more reality based and much more fun...
And sniping heavy vehicles and destroying them...please...that is by far the biggest fantasy myth in the entire game. At best, a sniper "might" be able to disable the engine, yet blow up a heavy armored vehicle with a 700 gram sniper bullet...HA...only in the movies, and unfortunately video games...
I am guessing I'm not the only one that gets into challenging vehicle to vehicle fight, only to have a "third party" missile monkey, 700 gram sniper bullet, or magical tiny "C5" block of playdoh destroy the contest instantly...and then think "Ok, that could have been way more fun to finish the fight vehicle to vehicle..." Perhaps a game mode that removes these fantasy vehicle kill methods that I understand had to be used somewhat to balance the larger infantry game modes, yet it has gotten extreme in some instances where it is making the game way less exciting and lessens the skill and challenges of vehicle usage...
Again, thanks for Battlefield 2042...nothing in life is perfect, yet this game, when running smoothly, is unbelievably challenging and fun...