Blog Post
You released a broken unfinished game and in the last three and a half patches I guess they're calling it you've managed to ruin it completely. It's now a hundred percent not worth playing, in what Universe in what world what idea did someone have that an infantry can stand up to any mm of Cannon and take multiple shots and be able to stand there, that's just absolute idiocy. you're supposed to add to the game you have now consecutively done nothing but take away you have absolutely and utterly ruined the whole idea of Battlefield in three games 1, 5 and now this garbage. The last gun that you unlock is the crappiest gun in the game, it is an anti-material rifle how does it have the accuracy and range of a pellet rifle that's just ridiculous it's a gun that should be feared but nope it is a joke and you nerfed it. Clearly you understand nothing about the power dynamic and functioning of an anti-material rifle canceling dreams at 1500 M it doesn't even reach straight 200m completely drops off at about 25M. If I could at this point I would get my money back you have reached the level of Bethesda I will never spend another Penny on any game that you guys produce or your name is associated with. you could have done better remastering adding some of this to Battlefield 4 and re-releasing that at least it was a game that worked and actually had a balanced structure to it this this is a very poorly done wannabe knock off of Call of Duty and Apex and you didn't do a good job of it no scoreboard, no stat tracking, submachine guns with the range and accuracy of sniper rifles is just ridiculous. There is an absolute litany and list of issues that should have been addressed before you nurfed anything. Like the fact that still when your melee killed you can't respond you have to wait for the timer you added a timer why not fix the actual problem. Anti-material rounds that don't exist there just not there you get a sparkly little muzzle flash but nothing on the other end with an anti-armor rounds that don't actually anti-armor anything, zero penetration values on bullets. If I'm shooting a 20 by 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 or 70 mm anything at you you should probably run but nope they can just stand there take several rounds not have to worry about anything absolute joke all three of the pistols are now stronger than all of the millimeter cannons how is that at all logical. A riot shield that can take direct tank rounds again come on with the ridiculousness this isn't apex it will never be Call of Duty you were supposed to make something to compete with them instead you did a poorly crafted rendition of the worst aspects of both of those games I've been playing Battlefield since Battlefield was released all of them I even tried one and five and they were the two worst title rides I have ever seen and now we come to this and this is the end of battlefield for me it's horrible that you guys killed this game you ruined it it's garbage. And it saddens me to see that the gaming industry has come down to a bunch of money-hungry capitalist pigs who no longer care about the experience this is all about your money and you robbed us you Crooks.
Well said 👍