Blog Post
Ok you made some updates but here's a list of obvious gameplay issues that you've ignored.
1. Sometimes when getting out of a vehicle players can't look up or ADS
2. JETS ARE OP. They are too nimble, I've had multiple instances while in a tank that a jet flies over and hits me with two missiles. 5 seconds later they destroy the tank after banking too quickly.
3. JETS ARE OP. The speed at which the jets fly makes it impossible to lock on to them with ground AA or even helicopter AA. They have lock on ability that has more range than the other aerial vehicles.
4. CHANGE THE SPECIALISTS. Specialists are fine and could have been put into the game while still using the class system. Please fix this. There are games where 90% of the players are Sundance. This character provides ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to teamplay. Put specialists into "class" categories that way we get our teamplay back.
5. Breakthrough doesn't have enough cover between objectives to make the game worth playing. Adding a specialist with a shield option doesn't fix poor map design.
6. Ground AA launchers aren't requiring a second lock-on process after the first missile launch.
7. There are not enough regular transport vehicles in the game (ATVS, JEEPS, TRUCKS). The map size is too big for not having enough vehicles. There are too many games where its not worth the effort to go take new points in conquest because of the distance. Games tend to focus on the three closest objectives. I don't know if anyone really asked for larger maps.
8. FOOTSTEP AUDIO IS TERRIBLE - the directionality and volume needs addressed AGAIN.
9. Vehicles need to be spread out at the start of the match - there are too many collisions.
10. Can we please bring back the ping system from BF4. FFS the current system is pointless.
- 4 years ago
100% agree, i hate the fact that when you get put from a vehicle, you cant ADS its really annoying