Blog Post
No mention of rooftop objectives on Breakthrough - these ruin the gameplay experience for both sides. These need to be removed ASAP! Also, when will XP return on Portal? I want to grind unlocks on Noshahr Canals TDM!
nice to see so many improvements, though considering really lots of these are only re-implementations of already present features in previous bf titles..... why only now and not already with the release version resp. early access people like me paid for? technical alpha & beta were meant for testing, not premium-charged early access.
moreover, reading through the whole release notes, there doesnt seem to be a fix for the issue with the 9m133 kornett mentioned, where after having mounted it one is unable to ads until respawn. my bug report on it here:
bottom line, without improving performance significantly for people with hardware specs far exceeding the recommended specs, yet having cpu-rendered fps far below 60 (while gpu renders well above that threshold; even in portal with 64 players, but slightly less bad than in 2042 with 128 players, still unacceptable), all this is of no use since i, and certainly many others affected as well, wont play a performance-wise unplayable game, no matter how many other bugs are fixed and qol features are added (actually many only re-added from previous bf titles, since not being available from the beginning for whatever reason).
- 4 years ago
It's bad when you have a 2 thousand dollar GPU and you can't run this game. I played call of duty (Boots on the ground and is smooth like butter and it was 128 player match. Come on EA-Dice you can do better.