Blog Post
- Rokebo732 years agoSeasoned Ace
When are the self exploding wall/fench being fixed in manifest and orbital. Since day 1 not fixed!
When is the free look fixed when climbing up a ladder ? Since day 1 not fixed!
Invisible flairs sometimes from air vehicles, still an issue ! since day 1 not fixed @Also some spots/mark at towers are completly miss aligend at Discarded when ya mark from base anttene towers in front of C1
- 2 years ago
@T0TALfps Black screen!!! Black screen!!! Black screen!!! Did U fix BLACK SCREEN????
@T0TALfps Black screen!!! Black screen!!! Black screen!!! Did U fix BLACK SCREEN????
@T0TALfps Black screen!!! Black screen!!! Black screen!!! Did U fix BLACK SCREEN??
Omg in stead display end of round with squad stats, like that's what we're waiting for, just fix the freakin' game. Why do I need that screen, I only see a black screen
- 2 years ago
Black Screens and AIs are not spawning into the games. The game is BROKEN!!!