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T0TALfps's avatar
Icon for DICE Team rankDICE Team
2 years ago

Hello there,

Update 6.4.0 will release across all platforms this coming Wednesday, 28th February. This will be our final update ahead of Season 7 which is set to arrive in March.

Take a look at a summary of what’s new in Update 6.4.0!

  • Arkangel Directive Underway
  • Persistent Servers Update for Battlefield Portal Custom Experiences
  • Directional Gunner HUD Improvements and Customization Options

Take a look below to learn the full set of balance changes and improvements taking place with this update.

//The Battlefield Team

Stay Informed

Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates, behind the scenes information and other live service changes.  



Arkangel Directive

Arkangel Directive is now underway. Utilise the Ascension satellite network, and experience the mode Control. Take and hold rotating objectives to upload tactical telemetry, collect the most telemetry to command the region, and earn Ascension Points to purchase vehicles.


Execute the Directive. Take Control.


Control is played as 24v24 across Reclaimed, Orbital, Valparaiso and Arica Harbor, with your goal being to collect telemetry data to upload to the Arkangel Satellite. Update 6.4 will include support for two additional maps in Breakaway and Discarded.

Persistent Servers Update

Season 6 has now come to a close and we are on our way towards Season 7. As we make our way to the new Season, we’re improving how Persistent Servers function for Battlefield Portal.


Going forward, if Battlefield 2042 does not have an active Season, all Custom Experiences created within Battlefield Portal will now benefit from server persistence for two days, whereas previously this wasn’t available.


During an active Season, if you are a Battle Pass owner you will still benefit from 7 days of Server Persistence. Allowing your server to remain active for a longer duration of time.

Improved Aircraft Gunner Directional HUD

With Update 6.4, we continue to expand upon the directional HUD features that were included in a previous Game Update. Taking onboard Player Feedback, you will now be able to see the direction of your Gunner with more clarity.


We have also included the ability to select between Default, Legacy, Both or Disable this HUD feature within the Options screen. This functionality is titled as ‘Helicopter Gunner View’.


Default: Battlefield 2042 's standard HUD with the weapon barrel showing the gunners direction.

Legacy: Inspired by previous titles. This shows the gunner's pitch and yaw, while using an animated triangle inside a larger rectangular box.

Both: Both of these elements will be visible at the same time, with one being placed above the other.

Helicopter Impact Point UI HUD

Similar to the improved options for the Gunner Directional HUD above, players will now be able to select between different Crosshair Indicators for their Impact Point Crosshair. You can now choose between a Cross, Plus, Circle or disable the crosshair within the Crosshair Options screen.

News Networks Coming Online

News channels from around the world are reporting the formation of [redacted]. Conflicting reports from various networks paint different pictures of the impact this Coalition will have on the future of our world. Stay tuned for the latest updates as the situation develops.

AI, Soldier and General Improvements

  • Resolved an issue that resulted in some players experiencing a blackscreen on Breakthrough.
  • The Penguins got their highlighter pens out and your chosen Custom Player Color will now apply to the Squad and Players Screen, as well as your Gadget Icon. Yay, colors!
  • Resolved an issue where pressing the right click in quick succession on a weapon during the deploy screen would result in it selecting weapons underneath it within the list.
  • Resolved an issue where the Medical Pouch is displaying an incorrect string of text as part of its Hardware Unlock criteria.
  • The Scatter Grenade should now correctly track its progression.
  • Fixed the EMP sound from playing incorrectly when you’re ejected from a Mounted Vulcan that has been destroyed by the OV-P Recon Drone.
  • The Codex has now been updated to allow for audio entries.
  • Resolved an issue where the EBAA Wildcat was playing audio whilst not having a radio.
  • Ammo and Medical Pouches are now resupplied from Angel's Loadout Crate.
  • Fixed some scenarios where Dozer using a zipline while holding their shield would result in them not making it to the end of the zipline. Please stop skydiving Dozer, that’s Sundance’s job.
  • Resolved an issue where the Squad Spectator Modifier would incorrectly have the Show Player Card and Deploy Button would be assigned to the same button.
  • Resolved an issue where the VOIP channel doesn't automatically switch when getting removed from a party.


  • A legacy option for the Gunner Direction HUD is now available.
  • Options to choose between Standard, Legacy or both Gunner Directions are now available within the Options Screen.
  • Added the ability to define the color and shape of the Impact Point Crosshair on Air Vehicles. You’ll now be able to choose between a Cross, Plus, Circle or disable it.
  • Updated missing vehicle icons.
  • The Gunner Camera on Stealth Helicopters will no longer reset to a default position when entering the seat.

This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0


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  • @T0TALfps wrote:
    • Persistent Servers Update for Battlefield Portal Custom Experiences

    Aw. I was so hoping the previous mention about persistent servers was indicating changes to All Out War.

  • @T0TALfps Damn, so y'all just chose to be vague about persistent servers and not correct the community discussing their excitement for persistent servers coming to AOW and just dropped the patch notes.

    I guess there is sitll room in the clown car at DICE, ooph.

  • @T0TALfps wrote:

    Hello there,

    Update 6.4.0 will release across all platforms this coming Wednesday, 28th February. This will be our final update ahead of Season 7 which is set to arrive in March.

    Take a look at a summary of what’s new in Update 6.4.0!

    • Arkangel Directive Underway
    • Persistent Servers Update for Battlefield Portal Custom Experiences
    • Directional Gunner HUD Improvements and Customization Options

    Take a look below to learn the full set of balance changes and improvements taking place with this update.

    //The Battlefield Team

    Stay Informed

    Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates, behind the scenes information and other live service changes.  



    Arkangel Directive

    Arkangel Directive is now underway. Utilise the Ascension satellite network, and experience the mode Control. Take and hold rotating objectives to upload tactical telemetry, collect the most telemetry to command the region, and earn Ascension Points to purchase vehicles.


    Execute the Directive. Take Control.


    Control is played as 24v24 across Reclaimed, Orbital, Valparaiso and Arica Harbor, with your goal being to collect telemetry data to upload to the Arkangel Satellite. Update 6.4 will include support for two additional maps in Breakaway and Discarded.

    Persistent Servers Update

    Season 6 has now come to a close and we are on our way towards Season 7. As we make our way to the new Season, we’re improving how Persistent Servers function for Battlefield Portal.


    Going forward, if Battlefield 2042 does not have an active Season, all Custom Experiences created within Battlefield Portal will now benefit from server persistence for two days, whereas previously this wasn’t available.


    During an active Season, if you are a Battle Pass owner you will still benefit from 7 days of Server Persistence. Allowing your server to remain active for a longer duration of time.

    Improved Aircraft Gunner Directional HUD

    With Update 6.4, we continue to expand upon the directional HUD features that were included in a previous Game Update. Taking onboard Player Feedback, you will now be able to see the direction of your Gunner with more clarity.


    We have also included the ability to select between Default, Legacy, Both or Disable this HUD feature within the Options screen. This functionality is titled as ‘Helicopter Gunner View’.


    Default: Battlefield 2042 's standard HUD with the weapon barrel showing the gunners direction.

    Legacy: Inspired by previous titles. This shows the gunner's pitch and yaw, while using an animated triangle inside a larger rectangular box.

    Both: Both of these elements will be visible at the same time, with one being placed above the other.

    Helicopter Impact Point UI HUD

    Similar to the improved options for the Gunner Directional HUD above, players will now be able to select between different Crosshair Indicators for their Impact Point Crosshair. You can now choose between a Cross, Plus, Circle or disable the crosshair within the Crosshair Options screen.

    News Networks Coming Online

    News channels from around the world are reporting the formation of [redacted]. Conflicting reports from various networks paint different pictures of the impact this Coalition will have on the future of our world. Stay tuned for the latest updates as the situation develops.

    AI, Soldier and General Improvements

    • Resolved an issue that resulted in some players experiencing a blackscreen on Breakthrough.
    • The Penguins got their highlighter pens out and your chosen Custom Player Color will now apply to the Squad and Players Screen, as well as your Gadget Icon. Yay, colors!
    • Resolved an issue where pressing the right click in quick succession on a weapon during the deploy screen would result in it selecting weapons underneath it within the list.
    • Resolved an issue where the Medical Pouch is displaying an incorrect string of text as part of its Hardware Unlock criteria.
    • The Scatter Grenade should now correctly track its progression.
    • Fixed the EMP sound from playing incorrectly when you’re ejected from a Mounted Vulcan that has been destroyed by the OV-P Recon Drone.
    • The Codex has now been updated to allow for audio entries.
    • Resolved an issue where the EBAA Wildcat was playing audio whilst not having a radio.
    • Ammo and Medical Pouches are now resupplied from Angel's Loadout Crate.
    • Fixed some scenarios where Dozer using a zipline while holding their shield would result in them not making it to the end of the zipline. Please stop skydiving Dozer, that’s Sundance’s job.
    • Resolved an issue where the Squad Spectator Modifier would incorrectly have the Show Player Card and Deploy Button would be assigned to the same button.
    • Resolved an issue where the VOIP channel doesn't automatically switch when getting removed from a party.


    • A legacy option for the Gunner Direction HUD is now available.
    • Options to choose between Standard, Legacy or both Gunner Directions are now available within the Options Screen.
    • Added the ability to define the color and shape of the Impact Point Crosshair on Air Vehicles. You’ll now be able to choose between a Cross, Plus, Circle or disable it.
    • Updated missing vehicle icons.
    • The Gunner Camera on Stealth Helicopters will no longer reset to a default position when entering the seat.

    This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

    "This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content."

    You're lying 🤥, my friend. The BF community has been asking for a server browers and more content in the way of maps for the past 2 years. nobody asked for an "improved gunner directional hub" or "impact points." Nobody cares about portal. Portal was a mistake, hurry up and admit it. Players would have preferred a single player campaign mode over portal any day. Players want more maps more content, yet there keeps being useless meaningless updates that can either wait or not be implemented at all.

  • After the update today, the game crashes while I'm playing after a few minutes!

    Need Support

  • bug
    bot 無法正確持有限制功能的武器
    Help you reorganize
    3 bugs
    AI SYNCED MODIFIERS cannot be saved normally
    Bot cannot correctly hold weapons with restricted functionality
    No sign (first aid sign) is displayed when your teammate is down so who knows who is the enemy?

  • Can 2042 stop playing seasonal maps loading screen soundtracks on other maps? Redacted playing over Flashpoint doesn't make me excited at all to play Flashpoint. I literally restart the application sometimes because it makes me cringe hearing Redacted play over maps like Orbital, Hourglass or Spearhead.

    This is a small thing to change and I guarantee just asking this small thing is asking too much.

    I'd give my feedback on Breakthrough but Dice is already determined to keep BT a "infantry only" experience. So map loading screen soundtracks is the only thing I have to talk about now that I'm forced to play Conquest from now on.

  • JOGAGATYA's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago

    Is the ladder bug fixed finally after 2 years on PS5? 

    * Search for 'ladder bug' in the bug reports. 

  • @T0TALfpsI don't understand why EA seems so concerned that the pilots are not getting enough vehicles destroyed and kills? Helicopters have always dominated and helicopter pilots can get several dozen kills in a match frequently. Ground defense is easily countered. You get 3 shots with shoulder fired missile and you're out of ammo. Most of them miss because of flairs. Why further buff the air vehicles? Why not install some anti air defenses on the ground like BF V?

  • AI can’t resurrect normally again
    Is this something your internal employees are doing, or are you deliberately creating bugs and waiting for players to report back to you before fixing them?

  • There is something that spoils my enjoyment of the game. Many players are spamming helicopters and planes all over the gray screen. Generally, those who play well do it all the time.!! I request you, I am not saying to weaken the helicopters or planes, but at least extend the time to select the same vehicle by 5 minutes after death. Otherwise, I will quit this game like my friends.