Dear Capital Games,
This is a content creator who reacted to your post above live on stream. I put a poll up on my stream, and they said this post about the new Assault battle Format makes them feel like a prisoner on Geonosis. Now, I do not work in the video game industry, but the last time I checked, you want your fans to be excited, thrilled, and hyped when there is an update or a change in the game. However, this seems to be giving nothing but negative response.
First you put all the crystals into GAC and blame it on "Squad arena mafias, and then you release omicrons, saying it is a way to give old players reworks in specific game modes, which the last one I believe was Cassian, which was over 2 years ago.
Then you add datacrons, which you said would boost lower gear characters, yet you origionally tied it behind relic three, until you brought it down to relic 1, which still isnt very f2p friendly for new players to engage with.
Then you want to squish people out of Kyber and punish people for winning with strategy. Then you ruin fleet arena by trying to disguise a nerf to a f2p counter that the community came up with.
Lastly, and certainly not least, you release an update that takes away resources from newer and mid game players to make the whales happy. An example is where will we get the zetas we are now going to miss out on from the old assault battles being gone? Explain to me how it is bad to have more content and events for your players to do and to instead rotate them out and only keep the newer ones, tied behind heavy paywalls at the time so f2p players r the only ones to suffer.
One of my community members asked a valid question as well. Why can you guys not just add new game modes for the whole community, opposed to try to squeeze resources and making toons that you sell irrelevant after getting a cash grab?
Another Community member asked when are you going to do something about cheating? He has been playing for a while and has been running into cheaters, yet nothing seems to be done, and we have receipts of you bargaining with cheaters on when they get suspended. We know you favor your whales, aka, the people who spend the most money, but we matter too. Also, when will you change Territory wars? You want to do all of these changes and "move the game forward for the years to come", yet you have not changed the model of TW. You have changed Grand Arena, to benefit you so you control the crystal income, and you have changed Territory battles, again, so you control the currency, and you have changed the raid concept, which I will get into next, yet you have not changed anything with territory wars, even after the top guilds went on strike and did not play that game mode for a season. Also, what happened to fun, community engaging raids where we fought to earn a new raid unit. But now instead, you rush a meta that is only viable in a top raid for 6-8 months and then they are cast aside, and you have to then chase the new raid meta, and for what, currency. Bring back raid units. It will bring the hype back, I promise. Lastly, what happened to you engaging with content creators. When you would collab with them and do fun events and kit reveals with them. Meathead has been doing a superb job as community manager, however, i know he could do so much more if he had more freedom. Let him go on content creators streams. I am not even talking about myself or just massive content creators. let them choose who they want to engage with. Also, you are the only game that celebrates their anniversary and thanks there player base by giving them packs to spend more money on.
I have a multitude of ideas of how you can improve community engagement, Again, this is nothing to do with meathead, for he is doing everything right! One thing you could do, that multiple other games do, is a community unit. It is where you let the community vote on a character that gets added to the game. Another one is where you let the community vote on a character that is already in the game to get a rework, let's say once a season, that being fall, spring, winter and summer. AND STOP RUINING GAC AND PUNISHING PEOPLE FOR WINNING WITH STRATEGY AND NOT THERE WALLET!
Now I know you may say I am talking tough because I am hiding behind a screen, yet I am writing this live and a lot of the points in this letter are from my community, aka, your other customers. They vary from people who are endgame. They all basically voted they felt like prisoners on Geonosis with these changes, both whales and f2p. We know you can do good things like gear economy, Galactic Legend tickets not being lost, and announcing fun characters for the game. Have a great day and please listen to your community.
From, The Troopers on Break Community.