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Community Pack V2 - The Removal

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
4 days ago


Hey folks! 

The team requests a moment of your time to take a look at this survey and fill it out. 

It is ONE question long


Published 4 days ago
Version 1.0
  • Diblit77's avatar
    Rising Spectator

    So what you’re saying is the ridiculously expensive packs for a digital product was providing too much to the community and you weren’t making enough money on it. So you’d like everyone’s opinion on which item to remove so you can soft increase the price of said pack?

  • Th3N1c3s's avatar
    New Spectator

    How about you remove Datacrons from the game, guess you don't have a spine to do that though and own up to your greedy mistakes.

  • There should have been a vote to not get rid of anything. Why is it that the player base has to suffer these downgrades and then be overcharged for something we originally wanted in the first place? Y'all don't make enough money as it is when the majority of the whales spend?

  • I'd pay $5 if everything in that pack was doubled. Rip off as is ( as are most packs)

  • CorwynCVB's avatar
    New Spectator

    Yeah, wasnt good enough value to get me to buy it as is.

    Y'all seem to be looking for a way to get more people to buy it.
    This approach doesnt seem to have much chance of that outcome, but a good chance of even less people buying it after you decided you "gave away too much for too little", or whatever the motive is behind this very strange request.
    (The "you" in this case referencing CG, not the poor ba... guy with the unfortunate job of bringing this kind of thing to the community. You know we love you, Meathead, but man there isnt enough money in the world to make me want your kind of job... )

    I didnt do the survey because taking $5 off the price wasnt an option.
    Thats all I would remove from it.

  • Add more props that can be bought with crystals.don't break the player's heart again.

  • Karride's avatar
    New Spectator

    Lol this was one of the most fairly priced packs in the game.  This game has a base line price level.  You can say it's too expensive but in terms of current value in game this was one of the best.  If you are a spender you did you made a mistake not buying it.  If you are f2p, then don't know why you are complaining about something you'll never buy.   I also see the "remove datacron' crowd is out too.  Datacrons and omicrons are the only things that make pvp even remotely interesting and can be managed relatively cheaply as long as you don't ignore them. This was a 15.00 pack that provided. 4 omicrons(2.00-3.00ea) in game value, 5 zetas(1.50-2.00ea) in game value, 300 crystals(2.00) in value when compared to vault price higher if compared to other crystal prices, 250 cantina energy(200 crystals or 1.25 in vault price), 500 regular energy(200 crystals or 1.25 in vault price)  and 3 droid brains(300 crystals each or 2.00 each in vault price.  Making this pack worth 26.00-32.50 when compared to buying a vault.  If you think the game is predatory, quit.   And the answer is remove regular energy give us more of the other stuff.  Please keep giving us packs that are double the value of the relative price of buying the pieces individually.


    • syndullaoblongat's avatar
      New Observer

      A company can put any value that they want on their product but the true value is only what the customer is willing to pay. Based on this survey, It seems CG is not making as much money as they were hoping for from these packs because they're overpriced.