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Loyalty Program Update

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
20 days ago

Hello Holotable Heroes, 

Here is the latest on the Loyalty Program.


  • Players Not Receiving Coaxium for Web Store Purchases
    • We recognized an issue where a player’s purchase and them jumping right to the game to claim was causing an issue with our distribution of goods order. We will be implementing a feature in the near future to allow you to collect that Coaxium from a web store purchase in-game as well as auto-claimed from the Webstore
  • Progress Isn’t Being Incremented for the “Cantina Holotables” Loyalty Event
    • We will be updating the event to look at different parameters to make sure the login tracking is done correctly
  • Progress Isn’t Being Incremented for the “Bounty Board” Loyalty Event
    • Due to unexpected circumstances, this is not working as intended or as it was tested, so we will be removing this event and replacing it with an energy based event in a near future update

We are presently aiming for early next week for these fixes to go out, thank you for your patience. 

Next steps:

During the initial launch of the Kessel Run, we experienced issues listed above and believe we have the root causes figured out. Once the fixes go out, sometime early next week, we will provide a make-good for those who purchased items on the webstore during the Kessel Runs' release window, as well as a general make-good for those who have not made purchases.

Thank you for everyone’s enthusiasm and continued support. 

Published 20 days ago
Version 1.0
  • Best part is that it's still not fixed XD
    It did not work 7h ago. Now i bought pack with energy and relic and i got couaxium for that, but what with rest i did not received earlier ??

  • Yay I will get my extra 200 cantina energy after double drops have ended real nice 

  • Hope the made good period will include purchases made upto the fix.

    Purchased conquest pass on webstore and no coaxium immediately credited. Claimed the pass ingame and checked back ... no coaxium.

    It leaves a sour taste when, as a consumer, you make a purchase but don't get what was advertised.  Especially since the coaxium would have meant crystals which would have meant more conquest progress.

  • XIIStriderIIX's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    the kessel run is an interesting addition to the webstore but personally I did prefer the 5% discount better and would prefer that option over Kessel Run. The Kessel Run isn’t bad by any means I just don’t prefer it. Just my 2 cents. 

  • 348837761's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    So u send message saying u provided for my missing compensation plus addition for my troubles but what the **bleep** I should have gotten 35000 plus and not 12000 as I just checked I spent over 500 dollars either provide me what I earned and deserve orI will demand a refund of all my purchases and quit your game

  • brettjedi's avatar
    Seasoned Novice

    I purchased the Conquest pass in-game and didn’t get 3,000 coacium.  It that because I don’t get the coaxium for purchasing because I didn’t buy it on the web store?

  • I bought a 3PO Lightspeed Bundle on the official website a few days ago, but I didn't receive the corresponding gift character in the game. My ally number is 675-452-775

  • Has there been any update on this or when we will be receiving the coaxium?