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Update 7/17 - Morgan Elsbeth + Bug Fixes

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
3 months ago

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Here are the notes for today’s update!




  • Fixed a NullPointerException and forced Restart when claiming an objective that causes player leveling that would have removed the claimed objective
  • [PC] When playing in windowed mode, the game title will now be localized in supported languages.
  • Fixed an issue where the destroyed Door Panel in The Pit raid and destroyed cannons in the Tank Takedown raid would show health bars despite having no health.
  • Description adjusted to match functionality of Commando Droid condition 
  • Fixed a bug where using the Twin Blaster Cannons space ability in the Naboo Raid would cause devices to crash.
  • Night Trooper's aesthetic is irresistible, unlike their Special02 which no longer incorrectly states that Blight inflicted by it "can't be resisted". This was an update to the ability description and nothing has changed mechanically.
  • Resolved an issue in Boomadier's description where there was a missing space in the Omicron text
  • Fixed a missing instance of "they" in Night Trooper's Unique ability on the final tier. We assume Night Trooper ate it originally, the word was a little nibbled on when we located it.
  • Fixed an issue where Boss Nass' Shield Generator was overly optimistic of its situation and would remain on the battlefield even if it had no allies remaining. "Never retreat, never surrender!" it seemed to say.
  • Fixed an issue where the Decoy can be inflicted with 3rd sister's purge
  • Fixed an issue where Boss Nass would still summon the Shield Generator even if all allies were not Gungans. The Shield Generator just wanted to make some new friends :(
  • Night Trooper's reflexes have degraded (and their odor has gotten a touch more pungent). Blight inflicted on enemies from Night Trooper's effects can now be evaded.
  • Fixed blue effect issue with Energize and Recharge having the wrong description 
  • Updated Night Trooper's datacron to correctly state that Blight inflicted by it can't be evaded. This was an update to the description and no functionality was changed.
    • You know what can't be evaded? Night Trooper's smell.
  • [Datacron] Fixed an issue where Padawan Obi-Wan was not able to be stunned with certain team compositions
  • Fixed an issue where Droideka gains extra stacks of Charge when gaining Damage Immunity
  • Fixed an issue where B1 Droids gain Charge when gaining Energize
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the audio during the Naboo Raid cinematics and Ship abilities would be missing on some devices.
  • Updated Secrets and Shadows and Rebel Roundup to be called Assault Battles
  • Fixed an issue where Gen Sky was using an incorrect name in GL Ahsoka's preview page
  • Fixed an issue where Energize ability description is wrong for Command Battle Droid in battle with different Difficulty Modifier Levels in the Naboo Raid
  • Fixed an issue where the description for Ship Upgrades in achievements was confusing 



  • Night Trooper Datacron is rolling different stats for players, this is a known issue we will fix for future Datacrons 
  • PC Client is defaulting to English Language 
Updated 3 months ago
Version 3.0
  • When are players who reached Level 85 after May 22nd getting their rewards? There hasn't been word on it in a while.

  • I hope your next priority will be to make sure that people can actually log in the game to see this fixes :)