Update 10/22/2024
PC: / Mac:
Console: 2.01
Sul Sul, spoopy Simmers and specters! This Halloween season, we're summoning delightful surprises alongside the release of The Sims 4 Life & Death Expansion Pack. A hauntingly huge thank you to those special ghouls who took time to report issues via Answers HQ.
Prepare for a ghostly array of fixes and updates. No tricks, just spectral treats!
What’s New in The Sims 4?
Base Game Updates
- Sims will react uniquely to others' deaths based on traits and relationships. Experience everything from sobbing for a loved one passing to retching at a stranger’s death.
- Ghosts can now be created in Create a Sim for Child through Elder ages.
- After passing on, Ghost Sims gain a new set of needs in place of the classic, living Sims ones: including Goo Waste, Ethereal Sustenance, Otherworldly Slumber, Spooky Diversions, Ethereal Bonding, and Apparition Cleansing.
- At the moment of death, Sims are now given the option to "Become a Playable Ghost" or "Become a Freeroaming Ghost."
- Upon the death of a marriage partner, two married Sims will no longer be married, they'll be widowed. However, there is a new interaction that will allow them to "Ask to Stay Married" so they can reinstate their marriage status.
- Sims can WooHoo with the Grim Reaper again.
- Improved autonomous ghosts behavior such as reducing the frequency of ghosts breaking things and creating annoying ghost 'byproducts', i.e. puddles.
- Added a new Outdoor picture category in Build Mode called "Life Event Activity" to help players find content for Funerals, Weddings, and more.
- Infant, Toddler, Child Sims taken by Social Workers go to Household Menu in Manage Worlds, rather than being deleted.
- Added a new bonfire object called the Fieldstone Bonfire Pit to Base Game.
- There is an option on Gravestones/Urns to manually swap to the other one whether you are indoors or outdoors. Before it would always auto-change when brought in or taken out.
- We added 10 new "true black" color variants to 10 different BG Shoes:
- (ymShoes_AnkleOxford)
- (yfShoes_AnkleBoots)
- (yfShoes_PumpsLow)
- (ymShoes_SneakersSlipOn)
- (yfShoes_PumpsHighPointed)
- (ymShoes_OxfordFringe)
- (ymShoes_AnkleCombat)
- (yfShoes_AnkleBootsCuffed)
- (yfShoes_PumpsHighOpenAsym)
- (yfShoes_PumpsMediumOpenJewel)
New Base Game Content That’s Cross-Pack Compatible
- If you have Get to Work (Aliens), Vampires, Werewolves, Realm of Magic (Spellcasters), Island Living (Merfolks) or the upcoming Life & Death Expansion Pack, you can click on a Sim’s urn or gravestone to choose from a selection of which gravestones to use. That Sim who wasn’t a Vampire but was a little too obsessed with Vampires? Yeah, they can rest eternally with a bat-themed gravestone now.
- There is now a Merfolk Urn and Tombstone for players with Island Living.
- Players can swap occults while in Create a Sim if they have the necessary occult packs. This doesn’t remove progress on a Sim that’s currently being created (within reason).
- Players can create Elder Dog, Cat, & Horse Ghosts in Create a Sim with the Cats & Dogs or Horse Ranch Expansions.
DirectX 11 - Improved GPU Detection on Hybrid Systems
- We’ve addressed an issue affecting players with hybrid GPU laptops, where the game was defaulting to DirectX 9 on devices with NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards instead of the expected DirectX 11.
Bug Fixes
- [AHQ] Cottage Living - Images for crafted Cross-Stitch objects on PlayStation are no longer in grayscale.
- [AHQ] Growing Together - Puzzles are no longer in black and white on PlayStation.
Base Game:
- [AHQ] Sims will not eat spoiled food autonomously.
- [AHQ] Plants that have enough water will stop dying.
- [AHQ] Interactions will no longer jam and prevent progression through the interaction queue when caused by stuck chickens on the lot.
- [AHQ] Sims will fully close their eyes when they are supposed to (like when sleeping).
- [AHQ] Parent Sims will no longer get stuck standing idly in front of the crib when trying to interact with their sleeping baby.
- [AHQ] NPC Sims no longer enter the lot without knocking on the door.
- [AHQ] Skill books are now available at all libraries; not just the Willow Creek Library.
- [AHQ] Most recently interacted with Sim will appear at the beginning of the Relationship panel.
- [AHQ] Pizza delivery Sim can now be tipped and interacted with after delivering pizza.
- [AHQ] Invisible Nannies have had their superpower removed and will now remain visible.
- [AHQ] Sims will no longer incorrectly age up when adjusting game age options.
- [AHQ] Stopped issues where a held baby tries to perform an interaction that requires an adult to put them down, but the adult can't so it just spins in a loop.
- [AHQ] Textures will now apply on one-Tile gable roofs.
- [AHQ] Curved Fences will now cast shadows.
- [AHQ] Small black shadows on lots in Manage Worlds map can be removed by loading into the affected lot and exit to regenerate the thumbnail.
- [AHQ] Blue squares no longer observed in lieu of empty Lot Traits when saving the lot in Build Mode.
- [AHQ] Modify career outfit cheat now works for part-time careers.
- [AHQ] Male tank tops are no longer observed after selecting Feminine fashion choices for previous SDX assets.
- [AHQ] Mourning moodlet will not appear when a stranger Sim dies in front of the active Sim. The moodlet is only displayed if they are at least acquaintances.
- [AHQ] Previous SDX Ponytail's texture will no longer distort around pulled out ear shapes.
- Non-binary Sims are now properly referred to as “Birthday Sim“ during the birthday party event.
- [AHQ] Guerdon Goods Nano Can 2.0 is now tagged as off-the-grid.
- [AHQ] Fixed an issue that could occur during the “Adopt a child“ flow while off lot.
Affecting Multiple Packs
- [AHQ] Cleared situations where Build Mode objects and houses placed with ‘moveobjects on’ would appear in the sky.
City Living
- [AHQ] “Game failed to load“ error no longer triggers when to visit apartments with placed pools (Error Code 132:dad724e4:16f19fc6).
- [AHQ] City Living Festivals and other festivals now always appear properly in the calendar.
- [AHQ] NPC Sims in San Myshuno will no longer experience sudden unexpected weight gain. NPC Sims’ bodies should only be susceptible to change if they are inside an active residential lot.
- [AHQ] Flower arrangements will look the same when placed from the Library or the Gallery.
Island Living
- [AHQ] Merfolks now have their own tombstone and urn.
- [AHQ] My Wedding Stories: Island Living canoe no longer gets water inside of it when navigating in Tartosa world.
Eco Lifestyle
- [AHQ] Vertical gardens now count towards the Freelance Botanist Aspiration.
High School Years
- [AHQ] Packed lunch boxes from inventory are eaten by teen Sims during lunch hours.
- [AHQ] Rocks will respawn a few hours after digging in 'Water Tower Way' in Copperdale world.
Growing Together
- [AHQ] Reduced clipping issues when Child Sims Practice Riding Bike near a building.
Horse Ranch
- [AHQ] ‘Bad Ranch Product' moodlet no longer observed upon Harvesting Excellent/Magnificent/Perfect Quality Plants.
For Rent
- [AHQ] Property Owner will not be charged along with Eviction settlement after Tenant breaks lease.
- [AHQ] Event Failed TNS no longer triggers after completing the Tenant Revolt event by performing “Promise Better Conditions“.
- [AHQ] Lot Challenges and Lot Traits of a lot downloaded from gallery reflect correctly in-game.
- [AHQ] When a tenant Sim bulldozes a unit in a Residential Rental, the rent for other hidden units won't reset to zero.
- [AHQ] The asset (yfBody_EPLongTunicPants_darkpink) pairs properly with all the Nail Assets.
- [AHQ] The asset (yfAcc_PediContrast_ContrastOrange) now has orange swatches.
- [AHQ] Infants will no longer teleport to outside of the Crib when Resuming Game right as the baby transitions to sleep.
Realm of Magic
- Spellcaster animation will run less frequently in Create a Sim.
- [AHQ] Werewolf Sims howl less frequently in Create a Sim.
- [AHQ] Turned Werewolves will no longer occasionally lack color on their nose.
Vintage Glamor
- [AHQ] Globe bar drink platter now fits on accent/end/coffee tables.
- [AHQ] Lights no longer revert to auto mode in Haunted Houses.
Crystal Creations
- [AHQ] The Crystal Tree will not become invisible or transparent and the crystals will be collectable.
Bust the Dust
- [AHQ] Inspired moodlets from Cleaning House now have a proper timer to prevent overriding other moodlets and blocking related Interactions.
Updated 5 months ago
Version 2.0EA_Cade
Community Manager
Joined August 22, 2013
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