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- Vivin21232 days agoSeasoned Newcomer14Views0likes1Comment
- Vivin21232 days agoSeasoned Newcomer14Views0likes1Comment
2025 Blog Post #1 - January
Shaping the Future of PvZ3 Together! Happy New Year Neighborville residents! This year, we want to take you on a journey with us as we re-imagine Plants vs. Zombies 3 and let you in on what’s going on behind the scenes! We're highly focused on something fundamental to the Plants vs. Zombies series: the art style and direction! This is what ultimately brings life to the characters of the game and has inspired so many of you all throughout the years! While the team continues to work hard on new systems and features, we’ve also been reflecting on the direction of our visuals to ensure that we’re creating a game that resonates with you, our players. We ran some external tests to gather insight into which art styles sparked interest among participants in our focus groups! We’re actively gathering that data, but we also know that there’s no better feedback than yours - the passionate PvZ community. That’s why today we’re excited to share some of the potential art styles that the team has been exploring! So what’s next? How can you help? We would love to hear your voice! Here’s how you can help us: Check out the three images below! Share your thoughts about which Image # you prefer on social media using the hashtag #PvZ3 Tell us which style speaks to you the most and why! Your feedback is incredibly important to us and can help us shape the game. While we continue to improve the experience, we’ll keep the community informed along the way and ask for your thoughts. Your input helps us ensure that the game looks as good as it is fun to play! Thank you for coming along on this journey with us - we’re excited to hear what you think! As always, stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to use hashtag #PvZ3 on social media to share your thoughts! Let’s work together to shape the future of PvZ! Until next time… Plant on! The PvZ3 TeamEA_Leeuw4 days agoCommunity Manager64Views2likes0CommentsREBOOT IN PVZ 3 LORE
Everyone can be sure that the “pink version” will be the winner of the poll, for simple reasons: this style is so beautiful and reminiscent of comics that it would be crazy not to wear it! without forgetting that currently those who have given the most feedback and support to the PvZ franchise are its long-time fans who are already young adults, something like the “Green” and “Purple” versions will not attract everyone's attention. With that in mind, the “Pink” concept brings me good thoughts with an emphasis on something more adventurous in the plot so that the direction of the story can go beyond the confines of Zumburbia, based on this, I had some ideas such as a reboot of the PvZ 3 story. In PvZ 2 Crazy Dave and Dr. Zomboss made numerous trips to different times in history, leaving behind plants and zombies after leaving these worlds, which created several ramifications in space and time, thus creating new realities in which these two races have been part of these worlds since the past! one of them being from Garden Wafare. - "What does all this have to do with PvZ 3?" You see, this raises doubts as to whether “welcome to zomburbia” was really part of the original PvZ continuity line, as we could see that Dave's personality had a drastic change compared to that of PvZ 2 and there is nothing about what happened to Penny after these events, leading us to believe that it wasn't. This is just the tip of the iceberg that emerges when you dig deeper, but don't get me wrong, I don't hate that the theme is about the city's surroundings, on the contrary! It's beautiful and brings a new air of adventure that the franchise needed to bring after PvZ Adventures and I want it to continue. But is it really necessary to involve this? In my opinion yes and no, because neighborville is cool, but it would open doors so you don't get stuck in a limited standard like the second one. I know it won't be simple to bring together the two distinct themes into a single story, but I have the solution! In fact, the “pink” version may be the most interesting solution because the art style is reminiscent of the comics, and we know that all series have several editions with different story cores. My ideas for putting this in the game are: the story mode would be represented as comic book editions, you only have the first edition and when you finish one, another new story would be acquired at the end of your efforts or even two, one of them being a parallel alternative to the one we saw! with around 25 to 30 levels because this is an easier tactic than stretching the story out over 500 levels. This first edition could tell the story of Patricia and Nate at the Lost Keys Lake camp, where they were attacked by hordes of zombies and throughout the levels she tried to find out what was going on and find more plants in that environment like Lily Pad. As the story takes place without Dave, Patrícia only has common seeds at the beginning. Depending on the team's choices, the consequences of PvZ 2 could be better addressed in the future, regardless of whether this world is part of the continuity or not, as it would not be impossible to bring the concept of parallel universes that would make it possible to meet the original Dave and Penny or even meet versions of characters like those from the Spinnoffs, making this a direct continuation even if elsewhere. My reasons for writing these crazy things are with the intention of not letting such good things from the franchise be lost, just imagine seeing so many cool things with enormous potential being thrown away, isn't it sad? anyway, that's all. I hope it was useful! Goodbye!starfoxy015 days agoNew Scout88Views1like2Comments- 113Views0likes1Comment
zombies that pvz 3 should add
solar eclipse zombie: holds his wand out and after 15 seconds slowly starts draining sunlight causing less sun to fall and less to collect and to make it permanently dark if not defeated in time(if defeated during the sun stealing it comes back slowly) (only 1 can be on the field at a time) cannon zombie: uses a cannon to shoot cannonballs at plants (Has 6 shots) lasso zombie: uses his lasso to pull himself to whatever plant he grabs onto drunk zombie: at half health runs towards your house and ignores all plants rage gargantuar: gains movement speed whenever a zombie is defeated metal suit zombie: wears extremely heavy armour but is extremely slow whistle zombie: spawns a wave of zombies every 15-20 seconds overlord zombie: every 20 seconds restarts a random plants seed cool down elemental zombie: uses random elements like fire and ice to damage plantsScreend00rzombie8 days agoRising Adventurer13Views0likes0CommentsPlants that PvZ 3 could add
Toffee-pult 5 sun launches caramel Kernels and blobs that damage and slow zombies in a 3x3 area podfather: 5 sun gives all pea plants extra damage speedflower: 3 sun produces 1 sun and occasional speeds up plants around it over time metalflower: 4 sun high health and produces sun recharge lily: 4 sun all plants except for itself has it cooldown finished King shroom; 8 sun shoots piercing poisonous spores and occasional spawns puff shrooms Dark flower: shoots flaming sun at zombies and does damage based on how much sun you haveScreend00rzombie8 days agoRising Adventurer13Views0likes0CommentsGeneral Ideas if old PvZ3 makes a comeback
Title it as a spinoff (that's what everyone says anyways) Upgrade the zombie models to make it more similar to the concept art from the portrait cards (image attachments related) Completely adjust or remove the Damage Types system so that it's fair so you can actually make strategies Remove plant level requirements when it comes to Devour Tower Actually make the textures a slightly higher quality so that you can actually see the pupils of the zombiesOswaldFan00113 days agoSeasoned Scout40Views0likes0CommentsHow to expand “Your house” area in PvZ 3
Gimmicks: tiles; sun tile; gives occasional sun plant food tile: fills plant food meter bar faster taco tile: gives that plant their tacobility come tile: gives a zombie a cone bucket tile: gives a zombie a bucket screen door tile: gives a zombie a screen door other gimmicks lightning zaps a tile destroying plant and/or zombie on that tile and can’t be planted on for 30 seconds zombies: newspaper zombie: when newspaper is destroyed runs towards your house mirror zombie: holds a magic mirror that deflects projectiles banner zombie: gives zombies in his lane 30% increased speed pogo zombie: bounces over plants brickhead zombie: extremely tanky plants: pine needler: shoots pines that pierces through zombies Kernel pult: throw kernels and butter at zombies Snap dragon: breather fire in a 3x3 area dragonfruit pult: launches dragonfruit that explode into 6 shards cherry bomb: explodes in a 3x3 areaScreend00rzombie24 days agoRising Adventurer82Views0likes0Comments