Forum Discussion
161 Replies
Not everybody can afford a PC, read the article before typing
You do not play against PC players while playing on a console. Crossplatforn play isn't a thing in apex yet, go read about it. Instead of crying and trying to get an unfair edge over other players by using keyboard and mouse on console just buy a PC. Don't even try saying that you can't afford it, you own a mouse and keyboard. Why would you do that if you're "just a console player"
Console and PC aren't pooled together yet. I don't know where you pulled that assumption out of?
@bustyomouth wrote:Buy a xim then you have keyboard and mouse play
Yeah, but that's probably against the User Agreement, and for a good reason.
if you do a quick google search you will see there is no cross platform, therefor you are NOT playing against pc players..
"For now, Apex Legends does not include cross-platform support on PS4, Xbox One and PC."
You can afford a PC if you can afford a mouse and keyboard....ok?
They just need to support m&k on both consoles and have matchmaking determined by input device.
Using Xim Apex solves your problem.
Yeah, but that's against the TOS.
Yes please add K/M for ps4 like that people will have choice.
And others people who are telling that its cheating to play K/M against controller if we have the choice i think there is no cheating because a Keyboard and mousse are less expensive than a pc gaming so everyone can buy it. 😜😜
JUST PROVIDE US THE POSSIBILITY WE ARE 2019 be limited with a controller its 🙃🙃🙃🙃
Let the keyboard/mouse players on different server please, and if you could ban xim (and others) system (fortnite dev are on this feature too) , it would be nice .
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