Recent Discussions
When I tried to play casual as usual, I encountered a match where all the enemies didn't move at all. Even in the second ring, 50 people are still alive, and in the places I encountered, dozens of early characters such as Bangalore and Lifeline were abandoned. It is not possible to determine whether this is a bug caused by a bot or whether it is caused by some kind of violation. I would like an answer.86ExDeee6 hours agoNewcomer9Views0likes1CommentI would like a refund for the Apex Coins I purchased on Steam.
I mistakenly purchased 1000 Apex Coins when trying to buy the Battle Pass. I should have directly purchased the Battle Pass instead of buying the coins to unlock it. Can I get a refund for these 1000 Apex Coins? I contacted Steam's customer service, and they informed me that I need to reach out to the publisher of Apex Legends. However, EA's customer service told me that since the purchase was made on Steam, they are unable to process the refund.DdLrsboy12 hours agoNewcomer14Views0likes0CommentsApexLegends should eliminate the 300 FPS cap.
Apex is currently fixed at 300 fps with +fps_max unlimited and will not go above 301 fps. Pros and everyone these days has a 360hz monitor or better! The 300 FPS cap should be removed, and the bug where you can't bunny hop above 271 FPS should be need fixed.Deathtenys14 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer43Views0likes3CommentsHelp Colorblind Players
Please make the 3rd kits available asap. This is a tremendous help for colorblind players like myself who need more options to choose higher contrasting kits. Without this, it makes it much hard to distinguish between my players and the opposition. It also makes it harder when the kits are white and the field has a lot of snow on it. Thank youRazor_Rich00716 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer241Views1like3CommentsCHEATERS
I stop apex definitively; I play since the first season by classifying me generally diamond 1/2 or master; it seems that the game is infested with cheaters who are not even afraid to streamer while they cheat. I see that the developers have no more willingness to remove these joeurs. I meet at all parts some are even masters or predators; they have no retreat, aim through the walls, put only full head by aiming 5 m next, it became ridiculous and unplayable...TwitchRagnouf1717 hours agoRising Newcomer26Views1like1CommentMy thoughts about the new season changes
I have never been more excited for a season like I am right now. They have done a really good job and they obviously care for the game a lot more than what the majority of players think. For those of you who don’t know yet: They are buffing all assault class legends and nerfing support class next season. Along with other changes like buffing every gun and consequently reducing TTK. All those changes seems well and healthy for the game but here is what I wished for in addition to these changes: No talk yet about Seer or caustic buffs and changes yet which sucks because these two legends are lacking a lot of power. Fuse passive (carrying two throwables) is now irrelevant since every assault legend will be able to do that and I was expecting a small replacement. And finally this is a very important point. I think it’s healthy for the game to have a character that can directly silence abilities at the cost of their own since that means that no matter what the meta is. Someone can always make the fight a gun fight instead of abilities fight. On top of that I think that no legend should be completely changed from the bottom up to the top like what they did with revenant for many obvious reasons and one of them is eliminating a playstyle. Also with all assault class buffs coming next season I can’t help but think about potential of old revenant with all these assault buffs and the upgrades tree. He could have been the only one who can stand against the support meta and completely shut it down.SERPENT_DESCEND19 hours agoSeasoned Ace47Views1like6CommentsMy game progress has been completely reset
my game progress has been completely reset but I have 2075 hours played in the game and in addition I have made many paid purchases in the game I will send a screenshot. screenshot 12 shows my current game progress first level в этих скриншотах ясно видно что у меня есть и много покупок за реальные деньги и плюс 2075 часов наигранный только в этом аккаунтеWasterLORD020 hours agoNewcomer9Views0likes0CommentsRanked Point System
Maybe it’s just me, but I find it absolutely crazy that I lose full points if in a ranked game I am playing with preds, who are way out of my league, and the game gives me bronze and gold players as teammates when I am a diamond. I think I should lose like half or even no points if it’s the game that sets me up so poorly.ethangould1621 hours agoRising Newcomer13Views0likes1CommentHeirlooms are pay to loae
So I recently got the revenant heirloom and the screen shakes alot. And I mean a lot. Even with the screen shake setting set on minimal it still shakes crazily. I mostly have to turn of the heirloom. So basically it's pay to lose.rghvtyy9ww642 days agoRising Newcomer11Views0likes0Comments期待しています
ちゃんと自分と同レベルの敵味方で戦いたいので、いつかランクはめちゃくちゃ難しくしてください。マッチングが遅くなってもいいです。質の悪い試合の数々に多くの時間を割くのはプレイヤーにとって最悪だし、そんな時間をプレイしてくださっている顧客に提供し続けるのは失礼にも程があります。その自覚があるのかは知りませんし、改善へは動いていると信じたいところですが。私はこの愛するゲームにこれ以上失望したくありません。口に出さないだけで、皆失望し離れていっていることはお分かりですか。口に出すにも呆れているのです。時間の問題ですよSolvedmamama_mabo42 days agoNewcomer17Views0likes1CommentLegend passives activated by Jump should ignore secondary Jump keybinds/buttons
TLDR: Valkyrie, Lifeline, and now new Ash can feel clunky/annoying doing movement because it's easy to accidentally activate their respective Jetpack, Drone Glide, and Dash passives when doing movement. Respawn, please allow legend passives activated by Jump to ignore secondary Jump keybinds (i.e. scroll wheel). I just watched Mok3ysnip3r's new Ash video and he brings up the issue of how sensitive it is to trigger Ash's new Dash passive ability, especially if you also use spacebar and scroll wheel to jump like many MnK players do. I was excited to try her, but now I'm sort of bummed out because I know how clunky/annoying movement can be on say Valk - I can't count the amount of times where I accidentally triggered her jetpack passive when trying to bunny hop, wall bounce, etc. So many times I try to bunny hop in a face-to-face fight as Valk and I end up dying because I accidentally fire off a burst of her jetpack, it stows my weapon, and throws me off completely. The same now goes for Lifeline whose movement passive is activated also by the Jump keybind, which is an issue when many players use both spacebar and scroll wheel for movement. But, thankfully it doesn't accidentally activate on Lifeline as often because there's a delay and she needs to be far off the ground. Mok3ysnip3r mentions in his video how they're aware of the issue and are planning on making the Dash a separate keybind or something in a mid-season patch. I think that would be weird because having a double jump on the default Jump keybind makes sense and feels natural. Having Valk's and Lifeline's passive on default Jump is good, the issue is accidentally activating it with secondary Jump binds. They just need to implement a way where the secondary Jump keybind (i.e scroll wheel) isn't used for legend passives activated by Jump. It only uses the default Jump bind. Or create another passive keybind, like they're apparently planning, but allow us to overlap it with the default Jump bind there as well.13Views0likes0CommentsI am a video creator, and I need your explanation
Please review carefully. The script I killed in the video was artificially set, so they can quickly obtain the game account level. I did not disrupt the gaming experience of real players, and this mode is not included in the game career file. However, I have violated the system's misjudgment. Please review carefully, EA staff, and I will never have such a thing happen again in the future. This is my first violation, and I think it is extremely unreasonable to permanently ban me. You said you want to create the best battle royale game, please do it in action. I don't want to lose my account that I have managed for more than 2000 hours. Besides, I am a video creator, and I need your explanationSolvedTenkafuMa9997773 days agoRising Novice82Views0likes4CommentsWhy add a legend progression system if it's not even free
I understand it's a free game but ideas like this honestly make the players you do have spending money want to quit the game, it's a slap in the face to see oh hey new legend progression but wait you have to pay for it no that will not make people stick around. Make it free and release legend mastery for everyone so we don't see the same 3-5 legends running around it would keep players coming back to your game and spending money on the game the more they play.NightmareTribe3 days agoNew Novice35Views1like2Commentsits easy to make apex great again
I've been playing Apex for the last 5 years, I've played every season, some more than others, but I've never stopped playing the game. And I've also experienced both sides of the game, competitive and casual. I remember and can count on one hand the times and moments when the game was really fun and exicinting. As a person who has always played the game since its inception, I have in my opinion and I think it will not be so different from the general community option that the best seasons were 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, and 11. And what is so special about you and seem to have had all these seasons? starting with seasons 2, 3 and 4. the second season was marked by a map change, new legend, ranked leagues, first in-person championship, new weapon and changes that made the game feel new. Even with this horrible habit of voices always destroying parts of the map when they are going to make some changes, in season 2 this went down well. Going into the third season, the main topics that made this season the best ever: new and best map ever created by you, Worlds Edge, new character, new weapon, increasingly stronger competition, great battle pass, great events and of course the feeling of the game being new once again. [I wanted to emphasize how incredible this map was, beautiful map, vibrant colors, great balance between nature and urbanism, practically flat, fast map, great POIs, great loot distribution, and great ambience and detail.] but of course you had to destroy half of the map in the next season, the fourth. Which was also very good, not as good as the third one but still one of the best. starting with the great battle pass, increasingly stronger and more competitive, map still very good [even with the terrible habit of destroying all the maps you create], good lore behind the season, good events and the game was still simple and dynamic. I won't comment much about the fifth season because it takes place in the king's canyon and is just a more common season, even though it is much better than current seasons. ja sexta temporada tambem foi bem neutra, voces nao destruiram completamente o mapa nesta temporada [graças a deus] e ainda se passava em worlds edge, o que fez a temporada ser minimamente rasoavel e divertida. Going into the seventh season we have the introduction of Olynpus, a great casual map, with vibrant colors, fast and with POIs that are not so perfect, but still very good for the casual look of players, we also have the creation of clans, a really cool addition, we have a new character, and a mediocre but good battle pass. I'm going to skip season eight completely because it was simply a horrible season, terrible character, terrible trailers, terrible map [as always because you practically destroyed it] simply horrible. Going into season nine, main map is back to Wolrds Edge, mediocre battle pass, good new character, good events and great state of the game's competitiveness.season 10, new and very good character, the map is a catastrophe, horrible, terrible, sad, destroyed, finished. TERRIBLE POI's, those giant buildings that can house 15 squads, full of lava around them, nothing like a normal people's home, completely horrible, but other than that a good season that, like season nine, was driven by the competitive part of the game. Going into season 11, the best since season 7 without a doubt. very good map [not as incredible as worlds edge but with similar characteristics to worlds edge which made the map very good] great new character, good battle pass, good events, and great competitive state of the game.and now let's look at the characteristics and similarities that all these seasons had to be the best in the game. the game was simple, it still had its battle royale essence, the maps were great, in an excellent balance between nature and urbanism, the maps were well distributed, without ridiculous POI's that concentrate loot for the entire server, the game's lore still really existed, the game was still not extremely greedy and only focused on bringing skins and more skins and more recolors and skins and more skins and more recolors and more recolors and more skins [I really have to say a lot to see if you understand that the game became just that] the trailers were still good and encouraging, the game each season made it feel new, the maps were still not COMPLETELY destroyed, maps like broken moon and district still didn't exist [what horrible maps], and the game was still a battle royale, which should never have stopped being. I leave here my indignation at the current state of the game as a player who truly loves the game and has never stopped playing. make the apex great againCLT_LiXr3 days agoRising Newcomer30Views0likes0CommentsApex
Trios and duos is ruined. You added content that doesn't belong and ruined the joy of this game. Pull your heads out from behind you and move the game back to normal. Absolutely pathetic and for people who created such an amazing game you really screwed up. This game is the one place to escape after log days and you took every ounce of that escape and pissed it away. Get your crap togetherMuddookie3 days agoNewcomer16Views0likes0CommentsLinking accaounts
Is there any way to link my old apex legends accaount that got banned from playstation to my New accaount? I had a lot of studf there even meele weaponsSolved529971284 days agoSeasoned Newcomer24Views0likes2CommentsSeparate keybind for passives [Ash, Valkyrie, Lifeline]
With the new 24th season coming in less than a week Ash is going to get a new passive - Dash jumping. It can be activated by pressing the [JUMP] button mid-air. Same as Valkyrie's jetpack and Lifeline's drone glide. Here's the issue: most of the average and advanced Mouse And Keyboard players on PC are used to jumping with scrollwheel. The new Ash's passive is going to ruin this by being activated unexpectedly, potentially interrupting movement or causing unintended actions, if a player uses their scrollwheel to jump as it sends multiple jumping inputs in a short period of time. Important context: This issue has persisted since Valkyrie's release and Lifeline's rework, making both legends (and now Ash) less enjoyable for many MNK players. Suggestion: Adding a separate keybind for "activatable passives" such as Ash's dash, Valk's jetpack and Lifeline's droneglide We understand that the developers may have considerations regarding certain movement styles used by advanced MNK players. However, we believe this particular change that we're suggesting will not cause any unexpected troubles, but only make those 3 legends fully enjoyable to play on MNK just like other legends.14Views0likes0CommentsGame is bad
What are yall doing bro. literally ruining your own game, absolutely ignoring your community, just got railed by 2 nessies in a fight i would have most definitely won if they didnt take away half my health, you all should look into different careers bc yall have absolutely NO clue what yall are doingItz_life5555554 days agoSeasoned Newcomer40Views1like2Comments