Forum Discussion
1k hour and 10k kills on my main legend, I know people who just started also wanted to have fun but what about we pred and diamond player who spent hours and hours practicing and getting better at the game every day? I can understand if we tried hard every game it won't be fun for newer players but it wouldn't be fun for us (at least me) too. If I wanted to tryhard then I'd just hop in ranked with my mates.
When I hop in for casual, I just wanted to have fun and not try and not think. Most of the time I'd just run in without caring if I survived. If I survive, that's great but if I died that's fine too because I am not going full tryhard and raging and stuff. Newer players would even have a chance against stupid diamond players like me in casual. You win some, I win some - I'd see that as a healthy everyday gaming but now I can't play w/o premades. Doesn't matter if it is ranked or ranked lite
@ApexSBMMbadd wrote:1k hour and 10k kills on my main legend, I know people who just started also wanted to have fun but what about we pred and diamond player who spent hours and hours practicing and getting better at the game every day? I can understand if we tried hard every game it won't be fun for newer players but it wouldn't be fun for us (at least me) too. If I wanted to tryhard then I'd just hop in ranked with my mates.
When I hop in for casual, I just wanted to have fun and not try and not think. Most of the time I'd just run in without caring if I survived. If I survive, that's great but if I died that's fine too because I am not going full tryhard and raging and stuff. Newer players would even have a chance against stupid diamond players like me in casual. You win some, I win some - I'd see that as a healthy everyday gaming but now I can't play w/o premades. Doesn't matter if it is ranked or ranked lite
Thank you @ApexSBMMbadd for your response and feelings. My recommendation mentioned is meant to address the concerns of these new and less-skilled players. Players who get better at the game should not feel punished. This goes further beyond predator and diamond level players. I recently saw a post here regarding a person who struggled hard getting to diamond. Only to realize he hit his skill ceiling for the moment once he got to Diamond IV. He proceeded to swap to casual games and now claims to primarily run into higher level players, such as diamond and predators, he cannot play with his friends either... He wants to unrank from diamond because he is unhappy and unable to compete in casual at that level alone or with his friends.
I also mentioned in a response here, that the players arguing in favor of SBMM should be considerate to what I just mentioned but also the fact that as you advance to higher levels of play, other people punish you especially for mistakes. The degree at which you have to perform is well beyond what is expected of someone who just wants play casually. If I need to crouch spam, quick peak, and time every little action perfectly to even have a chance at getting a victory, and try to severely outplay premade teams on top of that, that is hugely exhaustive and is boring if I just wanted to experience the game. I enjoy competitive when I choose to play competitive, and casuals when I choose to play casuals. Now? I don't see a huge difference between the two, especially when I solo queue in casuals.
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