Forum Discussion
@JiboTVYou took mine and @DoYaSeeMe’s posts too personally I understand your mad about SBMM but we are just saying what we see other players say or what we see based off of streamers and others views not necessarily your own
Like Im not saying that you are upset your not popping those 20-25+ kill games every other game but some players out there probally are upset about that especially streamers who worry about their reputation but also content for their channel like staycation mentioned in a video how he wants to get good content for us to watch and how sweaty the matches are currently but wether he wins or loses its still great content to watch imo even if its only about 10-15 kills compared to those 27+ or so kill games he usually gets
I also see your point of view where your unable to solo queue or play with your friends anymore and are just not enjoying the game at all anymore I do agree something needs fixed but I also don’t fully agree with players that are able to get 20+ kill games every other match to be in casual without some form of ranked play in casual either I want everyone to have a good gaming experience but not exactly sure what needs to be done to do so
Once again Im not necessarily saying you are one of those doing 20-30 kill games every match, i know nothing about you, but Im sure alot of predators or plat/diamonds are able to do so and that dosnt happen often in the current SBMM for whatever rank division Im in people usually win with around 10 kills max occasionally 10-15 I mean I won a game as kill leader with 7 and 9 kills so its not any wheres close to how it was before SBMM was implemented but those 7-9 killl games were just luck for me I still die alot in the new matchmaking against players around my skill level
@FaIIenAngeI777 I do not think you read my response. I clearly addressed your response. Instead of underplaying my response as me being "Mad about SBMM." or taking things too personally, which it and my post were not doing, how about you address what I said? It seems really cheap to ignore my entire response when I did the fine liberty of going through yours yet talk to me from a high horse.
I mentioned this to @DoYaSeeMe as well, my views are the ones I have expressed here. And they seem to be reflected by the community. Comparing my views and the substance of my argument to what some random streamer you disagree with said isn't discussing my post. It is irrelevant to this post based on how you brought it in. You could go talk in that streamer's chat if you wanna try your hand at arguing against that idea.
I never said I don't enjoy the game at all. I expressed I felt punished, in fact I actually said the opposite of what you are saying. You really should read my initial post, man. Here is a snippet if you don't want to read it all "I enjoy this game and want to keep playing, but my time played the last month or so has been steadily declining as a result of this experience. I cannot see myself playing as much alone or with a team as things stand.". I am going to be very generous and express what you are saying clearly. You say you don't agree with higher skill players being in average skill lobbies (No SBMM enabled.) because they are too good. I think you are looking at things backwards if your goal is for people to have a good experience. I'd advise you to read my recommendation again and try to understand how it may encourage people on the lower end and allow them more time to grow. You would need to bear in mind that as a result of doing this recommendation that you would be much more likely to run into higher skill players past the threshold I suggest. So a lower threshold might be better that what I suggest. -
"If I were to make a recommendation, it would be to scrap the higher end of SBMM. Limit SBMM to apply to those on the lower end of rankings. Imagine if we were all ranked by numbers ranging from 1-100, players rank 30 or below would be matched to players of a similar skill level, but once you reach any ranking above 30, you would match with anyone within the range of ranks 31-100. A battle royale game should be a game with a disparity in skill, only one team can win. I understand that encouraging a healthy environment for new players is important, so this is my recommendation with that in mind. "
On your final point, I am not even sure what you are responding to. But regardless, I explained how you could understand how our experiences differ in a response to someone else. This isn't about being able to just max out on kills. -
"In this game you can make mistakes. When you peak someone with an R-99 and miss half your shots, you have a higher chance at staying alive the lower your SBMM ranking. But, as your rank increases, you will be punished more and more for every bullet you miss. Now realize that this game isn't just about missing half your R-99 shots, but also healing, rotating, coordinating with your team, timing, etc.
If I have to focus so hard to not make a mistake in so many areas given how high my ranking is, don't you think you can understand how that might be exhausting? How that makes solo-queuing impossible? How that seems like an anti-casual experience? ".
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