Forum Discussion
Let's not hijack the post off-topic and dog pile without addressing the substance of the discussion. I.E. Not "The just want to beat up bad players!", "They just want to be fed!". If you want to start a discussion outside of this one for your own concerns, you may.
With regards to how you responded to @dlpaulson12 , @DoYaSeeMe -
Saying "I'd like to get more matches like these." if you don't get them is a disingenuous or ignorant argument when you do not get those matches. Do tell me what the chance of you running into a full predator squad in your games before the full implementation of SBMM. Because I can say pretty assuredly say that I did NOT run into that many. The reality was that even despite higher level players playing more than most, I rarely saw them in my matches over and over again compared to now. It is getting harder to communicate with you if I have to keep reiterating my points to explain why your ideas on the matter aren't of great substance. You also keep creating arguments that people in this thread have not made - "What I understand from your reply is that you would like rookie players like that, to get an effortless, casual win every now and then.". That is such a bad faith argument, I am beginning to think you aren't equipped to discuss this topic despite your interest in it. How about you address the points they DO make? I think you are oblivious to a big original message in my post - That good players are being punished for performing well. The idea that not wanting matches to end as dlpaulson12 just exhibited means anything close to what you just suggested is absurd when he literally told you why he is annoyed.
Paraphrasing, the points dlpaulson12 made that I could glaze were "Most of my matches are not different from ranked play. This is an example of the types of matches I fight in. I have to fight just as hard as if I were in ranked without a reward. I think you do not understand how much harder this is on better players.". He is in no way saying that if you are bad or new that you should be fed to him or better players. He is expressing his experience with the SBMM and you seem to be purposefully misrepresenting what he said. I mentioned this before and I will get into it again. If Respawn believe that they should encourage an easier environment for new players to learn the game, then focus on the new players. My recommendation specifically focuses on the new players and attempts to prevent Respawn from turning an unranked mode into a ranked mode, ruining what a BR is, and punishing players for getting better or being better.
@JiboTVYour responses are too formal and intelligent for my dumb high level yet average skill level brain to comprehend
lower skill levels don’t get a ‘’free’’ easy win as you say remember it is OUR SKILL LEVEL ITS CHALLENGING FOR US but not impossibly overwhelming compared to facing one of you the end game is still very intense Idk players ranks I just know I still face players with 1 kill up to 8000 kills im not in a lobby with people with doodoo for brains all the time some of the players are what I consider a bit above my skill level but not anywheres close to a predators level either alot of luck is involved aswell and positioning and abunch of other factors can change the fight
a single solo predator is all it takes to wipe a full lobby Ive seen many yt videos staycation solos all the time or sethlyy zeus soarkobi etc so SBMM semi stops that from happening, but im sure they can still do it but with less kills
- 6 years ago
@FaIIenAngeI777 wrote:@JiboTVYour responses are too formal and intelligent for my dumb high level yet average skill level brain to comprehend
lower skill levels don’t get a ‘’free’’ easy win as you say remember it is OUR SKILL LEVEL ITS CHALLENGING FOR US but not impossibly overwhelming compared to facing one of you the end game is still very intense Idk players ranks I just know I still face players with 1 kill up to 8000 kills im not in a lobby with people with doodoo for brains all the time some of the players are what I consider a bit above my skill level but not anywheres close to a predators level either alot of luck is involved aswell and positioning and abunch of other factors can change the fight
a single solo predator is all it takes to wipe a full lobby Ive seen many yt videos staycation solos all the time or sethlyy zeus soarkobi etc so SBMM semi stops that from happening, but im sure they can still do it but with less kills
I will shorten it up a little if it is too complicated. Thank you for actually expressing you had trouble understanding.Just take it in line by line, my dude. I'm not saying you get free wins at your level? Just that you have more variance and are punished less / held to a different standard. Punished less is the keyword, because as you get better you will be punished more. The better you get, the less variance in your games, the more mistakes punish you (To the point of dying and losing.), the higher a standard you need to uphold as player be over and over. Mistakes come in the form of missing shots, not timing rotates quick enough, not healing in time, etc. If I am not playing with a competitive team, I tend to die and lose more. Not just a little, a lot. There are very rarely those characteristically fun struggles to work together, to win together. You need to be insane and / or outplay the enemy team severely to not die or lose as a solo most of the time, that or get lucky and not get a back-filled lobby where the people on your team cannot aim or have little to no game sense (Below level 50.).
If we are so focused on helping new or very low level players, why does it seem that SBMM works from a more top-down approach? As you get better, you are punished more. SBMM should focus harder on the new / lower level ranks as I recommended. SBMM shouldn't apply to the players entire experience in unranked matches. At some point it is no different than the matches one would expect from ranked games at their current skill level.
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