And why should they allow you to no skill just spam an ability and get a free shield, that you can go into it and peek and shoot enemy, as well as auto-reviving teammate? Yeah there is so much skill involved.
As for the solo play, ask the game why i need to play solo. Quite often i get -1 or -2 teammates in my game, so how i`m a suppose to play? I should just leave then ? When my teammate decide to rambo or just leave? Then i should leave as well, or when i see Lifeline i should stand still and wait for them to kill me ? Or when i get teammate that think they are on a MMORPG looting mission ? Or when they can`t shoot even a stationary target? Or when they are brain washed? Or .... you get the point i think.
But let me continue, why in the blue hell you should taking my rightful kill, and the game will reward for you being the worst squad in the current fight and get a teammate down, which should be a huge thing in any game whatsoever ? There is already a knockdown shields there to safe you from thirsting straight away, and if your teammate are better to clutch the fight ?
Reviving should be a a strategy/tactical thing, not mindlessly spam it, so low tier players can have their free in and out shield and get some kills, otherwise they would dream of getting.
And can we stop with the Lifeline nerf thing ? She is actually getting a huge buff. Auto-revive both team mates is a great buff, it boost your DPS by quite a lot, and its still ridiculous broken if you have golden pack. The whole thing is just ridiculous, and should have been removed and her passive reworked completely, as well as her whole kit if you ask me.
But you also get a way better tactical, and a bit better ultimate(its garbage, and its always been). Tho as i said her ultimate should have been completely reworked. Its just a bad design, and overall low tier play thing. On a fast paced game i need to wait like 2893892389 hours to drop, and give up my location, to get an "upgrade", yeah sure ....
But the biggest buff she was getting is the LP removed. She has the smallest hitbox ING, as well as superior to almost all strafing animation, so you all should be mad happy. Just get gud on mechanical skills like aiming and strafing, and she will be insane.
But again with the removing of LP, a smaller hitbox legend should 100% definitely have a weaker kit. A smaller hitbox is a huge thing and huge difference, and whoever knows aiming/strafing know this.