Honestly, any anger, complain or yelling here toward their Linux cut decision at AnswerHQ or at the Steam post are pointless, they (EA or their dev tech team) will ignore them, do not read them, or reading them and do not care. They have not provide Linux group any chances to appeal, nor it feels like it is a decision that can be repealed by anyone. And thanks to the EA post, Linux group are now stigmatized, smeared by EA to be a criminal, hacker, cheater and people that plays dirty at their computer, without any data or evidence provided by EA purely hearsay.
The small number EA are referring to has been growing significantly compare to the first posted requesting for Linux support which they claim Linux is too small to consider for their EA Origin Launcher or its games. This "small" number might still relatively smaller compare with M$ wINdOwS, but Linux is clearly not short of people, it has grow significant enough for Steam to have acknowledge and adopt Linux as its main platform. Many devices has used Linux for its stability and security. I would never trust a device that uses wInDOwS to store my personal data, or use it for getting online to bank, to check email or to shops.
The only EA games now I play is Titanfall2, I fear how long can this game survive if they are so aggressive toward Linux.
If I am wrong with anything I said, my apology, and please do not hesitate to correct me.