Nerf Lifeline into the ground
Honestly its irritating, especially in arenas to knock someone and then have them revived with half health beacuse a lifeline walked over to them for a second
@Arkuos16Auto revive either needs removed or given a cooldown... Lifeline is one of the main reasons Arenas will never be popular the other is lack of objectives so its basically ‘’sweat or be sweated’’ and nothing else but according to leaks they have plans for the future and are currently working on game modes with objectives
rework idea for lifeline
Passive: MANUALLY Revive Teammates WITH A SHIELD based off her teammate’s equipped knockdown shield levels
Tactical: she can either place her drone as she normally does or allow her to automatically ‘’send’’ her drone to her teammates location to heal them midfight like she usually does in the trailers but never actually happens in game, since her drone speed regen was buffed whenever she had her hitbox reworked it may need to be monitored and toned down slightly if too overpowered
Ultimate: remove the care package entirely because its nothing but a beam of light saying HERE I AM and replace it with the Auto Revive and give it like a 1 minute or 90 second cooldown