Thats because they don't give a *, they claim SBMM works because they see more accounts, (these are really smurfs). I HOPE they read this, cause people create smurf accounts to avoid this *. Case in point look at Overwatch, same * they do. Guys can't even get this game to stop crashing, yet they give us new map, skins, try to change what was already a great META but can't fix common crashes. Ya guys lets come one lets play pubs against the same skilled or higher. That sounds like fun. The problem is even pros have addressed the SBMM and what has respawn said "oh wait that's right nada damn thing." This game is choc full of simple logic errors. Case in point, WRAITH can't take damage because shes in another dimension, yet the lava hurts her, doors stop her but hey, she can take a zipline. Really thats laughable.