Re: Re: South African Apex Legends Servers. EA/Respawn please Read!
@aah187The Bahrain servers are a joke. 40ms improvement is really not enough to convince players to switch to dead servers.
If it was a 100ms+ improvement it would be a different story.
I'd venture to guess that even players in the middle east play on EU servers because they don't want to wait and their ping is anyway not all that bad to the EU. Plus having TWO servers and splitting the players really doesn't help. You queue on one, see 12 or 5 players in queue and figure the other Bahrain server is probably the same so just go back to queueing EU.
I'm only playing BF4 on EU servers now. At least the hitreg is better on 200ms ping due to higher tickrate servers
EA/Respawn is killing the South African Apex Legends market themselves...