7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
And you are one of the dumbest persons I've seen in a long time. This game is a squad-based and teamplay oriented and you're asking for solo queue? Are you serious? If you want to play alone then don't play a team-oriented shooter. Are you also demanding a solo-mode in Battlefield or in Rainbow 6 Siege?
And now please add the tweet from Respawn that they will add a solo or duo based mode in this game.
@firebird-gabr1eL wrote:And you are one of the dumbest persons I've seen in a long time. This game is a squad-based and teamplay oriented and you're asking for solo queue? Are you serious? If you want to play alone then don't play a team-oriented shooter. Are you also demanding a solo-mode in Battlefield or in Rainbow 6 Siege?
And now please add the tweet from Respawn that they will add a solo or duo based mode in this game.
You seem very triggered ... and pretty ignorant. I will comment on R6S . I dont play that game for this very reason , no I have never suggested that they should add solo's in it either. R6S isnt a BR game though Apex is a BR game where solo play mode is almost always an option. Battlefield , sure you get put into a squad but you can easily lone wolf it , and AGAIN its not a BR game Apex is . When firestorm comes out in march we will see if it has a solo play option. I personally dont care whether they add it or not just like R6S i just simply wont play it , I was just pointing out ( business wise) it seems like a dumb decision not to have a solo mode because they could be losing a big player base based on something that is very common in a BR game.