7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
As much as this game works flawlessly in trios. The whole idea of ending up with 1 or 2 random who fail to communicate, makes it not fun. I'm down for gaming with random people. However, you have to agree that everyone wishes to game with their friends more. Right? There's also the casuals who come on for a game and just want to jump in and have a game as a solo player.
Think about the idea if adding these. I understand the idea of the respawns, and retrieving your team mates cars to spawn them back in. However, those feature don't have to be removed. They just become void in the map. Especially on a solo queue.
This is good not just for your game. But for the lifespan of the community and making this game as great as it can be, and to keep a large following in the foreseeable future.
I get annoyed when some people try to scare the devs/community by saying, “this game will fail if they don’t add/change this.”
This is a rare occasion where I have to say that this game will struggle in the long run without solo/duos. We’re literally on day 2 and I’m getting game after game of BS teammates.