7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
And by the way, what's next!? You want a solo and a duo queue? There are many people out there (believe or not) who have more than 2 friends and don't want to split in separate groups. Why not a 5-man queue? In the end we'd have 4 queues, right? But wait. How about a ranked mode in Titanfall (although competitive play is hard in battle royale in this game it might work due to squads and revive/respawn mechancs)? But ranked for which queue (solo, duo, 3-man, 5-man) or for every queue? Fortnite for example supports different game modes and maybe this game will have an alternative game mode as well in the future.
So in the end you will end up with maybe 10 different queues. This leads to long queue times (even when the concurrent player count is as high as it is now) and poor matchmaking.
Let's look what we could do if we stick to 3-man-squad. One queue for casual, one queue for ranked play and maybe one for an alternative mode. Three queues would make it possible to have a good skill based matchmaking in a battle royal (in Fortnite and PUBG there are many people who never have won a single match), with good pings for everybody and short queue times.
But instead you want to rip the heart and sould out of this (awesome) game because... you don't want to play and speak with other people.
@firebird-gabr1eL Did I said that everyone MUST play solo/duo? I'm talking about giving players an option to do so.