7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
Your game really needs solos. It is completely unfun playing with randos and forcing people to find two friends to play with to at least have a chance.
I mean I had multiple games so far in the first 24 hours where my teammates do 0 damage in a match that they are alive for minutes.
Please add solos...
I rather they further solidify the amazing gameplay then to throw in balancing issues at this early of a stage. Take a look at how many issues realm royale has had with changing the entire idea of the game due to balancing issues. I'm all for solo down the road, but why worry about it now? Its been out for less than a week. I've had way more fun playing the game in this state now than anything else.