7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
Any plans or ETA on Solo or will it always be 3's.
Can you imagine how bad the game would be if 60 Wraiths were fighting each other? Because thats what will happen.
This is the best game I've played as far as communication with randoms without a mic goes, the pings are excellent and the randoms I'm with generally listen to pings and work together well and the games new. I've had the odd team that just does wtf it likes and ignores the fact this game is designed to make you stick together like glue, no lone wolf shenanigans. I've played league since 2009,now that's a team game where no one listens and 99.9% of randoms believe its to be played like COD and solo carried. Pings useless and communication is, well, pointless..
Cool, enjoy your time playing, in 2-3 months it will be you and a couple hundred people.
L2make successful video games.
even tho the game wasn't designed to play solo I think it should be a featrue of the game because right now I usually get teamed with 2 randoms with no mics and that aren't the best at the game , maybe there will be 60 wraiths in a game maybe not people will play with their favorite character. A lot of people like playing solo not because they have no friends but because they do not like to depend on other people, personally I like the team play but I find it hard to get better when usually my tam dies and I am left with 3 other bullet sponges in the final circle because as the balancing right now you cannot really 1 v 3 in this game personally I find it hard to even 1 v 2 when it takes 2 whole mags from a smg to kill someone. A solo mode would not hurt.