Forum Discussion
We always appreciate constructive feedback. That's why I gave out the XP. Thanks for your input!
I think these changes can really improve the Legend meta and satisfy everybody so if you like them please pass this on to the developers. :D
- 5 years ago
So I've updated the list:
- I came up with some ways to make Octane more team-driven
- Changed Gibraltar's change ideas so he is no longer support but entirely defensive, making him and Lifeline different but the same
- Considered a lot of feedback from other people including @StarMystro, @DrSeptimus
If I come up with any new ideas I'll add them and if you have any suggestions I'll add them too. Remember, @EA_Aljo might even see your suggestions! 🙂
- 5 years ago
Passive Swift Mend:
Passively Heal
**Fast Healing**
OR **Running (Stim) and Healing**
Tactical: Stim
Run 40% faster
** Throw a stim (like a grenade) at a teammate allowing them to move faster**
-- Have to throw it before activation or before the stim ends
Ultimate: Jump-pad
Fly though the air and double jump
** Downed player can hit the jump-pad and fly to a father location (like a geyser or the re-deploys during Winter Express) **
Honestly there is so many ways to buff Octane: Fast Rez-ing, Fast healing, Speed Boost after Rez, Stim knocks enemies back, Running (Stim) and Healing, Throw-able stims, Jump-pad speed boost, Jump-pad acts as a jump tower, while being jumpmaster you fly faster, or even reduce stim use damage.
SO MANY POSSIBILITIES (Yes more op than others but I'm sure any of these are do-able) (especially against lifelines now)
- 5 years ago
@031567 Thanks for the feedback! I like your ideas and will add my favourite to the list.
@Ionzur I personally think Wraith doesn't need a nerf. The tactical cooldown now makes the ability less of the overpowered get-out-of-jail-free card it was. The portal reduction was also sufficient in my opinion. I'll review Wraith in more detail and decide whether she should need more changes.
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