@VenozanteRI love how they release a pride badge, then turn around, and find the word gay offensive. Also gay does not actually mean homosexual, it means happy. It was used, before 1955 to describe happiness, and can be found in many older books, including The Chronicles of Narnia. It acquired another ADDITIONAL meaning in 1955, to describe a group of people that were attracted to the same gender that they were. Calling someone gay, when known that they are not, is meant to be childish and funny, not an insult. Before gay marriage was legalized (also just want to point out, this could also read as before happy marriage was legalized) people would say that they were a friend of Dorothy’s. Yes, Dorothy from the wizard of oz. The United States government actually launched an investigation, to try to find Dorothy, and stop people from being gay. The fact that they thought every gay person was a friend of a fictional character, goes to show how stupid, even large groups can be. I would recommend that the word gay is no longer flagged, because it is not offensive, unless you find being gay to be an insult. I don’t think EA wants to be viewed in that light, as I don’t believe EA to be a homophobic company. I would recommend that you (EA) un-ban all accounts you have banned for the use of the word gay, unless you have proof it was used in a derogatory way.