Forum Discussion
I completely agree with all of this. I've been saying this for months now, Wraith's animation isn't the issue, its the fact you become a standing target who can be easily tracked and chased by any character being played with good movement. The speed buff is sometimes barely noticeable especially since you don't have any momentum from the start, you have to build it up and then implicate movement within the time of your phase.
However, I feel like a lot of people don't understand that pick rates mean absolutely nothing to a character's actual viability in a tactical situation. Crypto is very powerful in the hands of a good user and yet everyone says he's unviable and use his pick rates as a backing for their argument. Consistency is a key factor to the entire word "competitive". If everything is inconsistent, its never balanced.
Octane is essentially the meta right now. Bloodhound's speed buff is also a great feat to his ult, and both of these characters can easily chase/outrun a Wraith due to her immediate loss in momentum or just straight up getting tracked due to her very visible path. In Titanfall 2, you can use this ability to be very counter aggressive due to its fast paced movement system. I didn't even play Wraith back in year 1 and after watching gameplay and then playing Titanfall 2, you can use phasing to be super counter-aggressive which is exactly what Wraith was and needs to be. The best example I have for a complete opposite "get out of phase card play" is for you to be in a fight with an enemy squad, and the enemies are directly in front of you, you can go in and shoot people while moving forward, phase while your team pushes up to you while you're still moving forward on the team. Loba would be able to support Wraith in this easily, same with Octane, or a Bloodhound in-ult. Point is, good players knew how to use Wraith's phase in counter-aggressive ways.
Wraith and Loba's tp should be somewhat equal on the balance scale of tactical use. Having Wraith be able to keep sprinting or move normally until her phase gets off, just like Loba, would make her 1.25 second animation perfectly fine and less of an annoyance to not only Wraith users, but their teammates who may be next to or behind them in a doorway. So many scenarios where having this slowed animation simply gets you killed when you need it most, and if you're not able to slide jump + b-hop while getting SHOT AT, well you're going to die. Being a super visible repositioning tactical is pointless if their is a trail. You're just repositioning to get spotted and pushed, then can't go back bc you have no phase lmao. Either remove the trail if you want to make her a repositioning character, or actually make her the character you described her to be in the first year. I know Loba has a trail too, but she can get up VERTICAL movement UNLIKE Wraith. Wraith would be a stealth informative repositioner if she could use phase with no trail. BUT THAT'S JUST AN IDEA, not a basic need of the character like removing the speed decrease.
Her portal distance needs to be reverted also. Octane's jump pad can easily jump over both portals. Valkyrie can go hundreds of meters forward pretty quickly without much punishment other than knowing where they land bc of smoke trails, but even so, she has scans on you from her second passive. Wraith needs such small changes to be right where she needs to be in the current meta.
As for Wraith's ultimate, reverting to its previous state is definitely needed, considering all other legends with better repositioning/chasing tools. It's still functioning at its current state though, as long as u know how to make use of it in a Titanfall 2 style (i.e. You don't see me but I can see you). I don't see many people utilize the portal as I did, not even those content creators or pro players. Also I'm NOT saying that people should take pro players as a reference to how they should play or pick legends. Pro's are good because their aim are on target and/or their movement is smooth, not necessarily because they understand the legends better than you.
As for everyone's beloved cool boy Crypto, I'll say it straight away. He NEEDS a buff, a BIG one. As I stated above, momentum is everything. Compared to legends like Octane who can moving at full speed when using tacticals, Crypto is a sitting duck on his drone. Everything else is perfectly fine with Crypto——Except the way he controls his drone. They could easily add a feature from Titanfall where you pin a position in your sight and the drone will slowly move there automatically while Crypto himself could mess around with something else. This is the easiest solution as I see it.
- 4 years ago
That's interesting I didn't know about that s7 trail thing. But if Wraith was like Titanfall 2's current phase, THEN i'd say its a get out of jail card bc you are invisible and invulnerable for those few seconds. But her being visible never made it a full "get out of jail free card" It made her super aggressive which she isn't now. Loba is very strong and I mained her for about 2 weeks. Her teleportation is very fun but I don't like using her bc i focus too much on loot instead of being aggro. She can scale 3-4 stories with her tp in seconds. Wraith has to run to her destination while being watched, tracked, and followed. If Loba had portals she'd be super op. Her tp is the main reason i think Wraith needs the small movement buff Loba got. It'd make them on par with each other for "relocation"
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